The state of Texas is home to a sizeable Muslim population, last officially noted at 422,000 persons during the 2010 … Continue Reading ››
TRIED It: How Chicago’s Bean War Will Backfire in Houston’s Favor
So apparently, Chicago has some beef with Houston.
Wait, not beef, but another protein which is essential to a regular diet. This proxy war is not erupting over beef, but beans.
UGH-- Here's the scoop, from Drew Schwartz of Vice News...
Earlier this week, Houston unveiled a 21,000-pound, stainless-steel Goliath of a sculpture outside its Museum … Continue Reading ››
High School Students Hold Inaugural “Day Of Unity” To Promote Civil Discourse
Sometimes words like "historic" just don't get the job done. But if this weekend's events weren't already historic enough to show the capabilities of our nation's young people with the March For Our Lives events on Saturday, some young Southeast Texans decided to forge yet another new path.
From Patrick Svitek of the Texas … Continue Reading ››
After Perplexing Attack On Sarah Davis, Have Texas Women Had It With Greg Abbott?
There was a time when some Texans had high hopes for Greg Abbott’s tenure as Governor. (emphasis on the term “some”). The mostly jovial and mild-mannered former Attorney General gave the impression that, perhaps, his administration would bring forth an elevated political discourse which puts the needs of real Texans before inter-partisan … Continue Reading ››
#FreeDennis: Austin High School Students Protest ICE Detention of Senior
Frequently portrayed in the media, "Immigration Reform", "Dreamers" and "DACA" can often seem like rather remote concepts, especially for those that follow the news from Washington. For over a decade, Congress has been perpetuating loop of partisan stalling tactics, party line bickering and a series of flat out refusals to address the issues. We're … Continue Reading ››
Texoblogosphere: Week of March 27th
The Texas Progressive Alliance promises to repeal last week's roundup and replace it with something better and cheaper this week. It'll be easy.
Off the Kuff identifies the top legislative districts to target in 2018.
SocraticGadfly sees Greens and other left-liberals talking libertarian-style about getting rid of the Federal Reserve and offers them … Continue Reading ››
Texas Leftist 2016 Endorsements
For those interested, here are the Texas Leftist endorsements for 2016.
Texas Leftist has chosen to endorse candidates because they have demonstrated a commitment to advancing public policies that will improve the lives of Texans. Though each person’s individual positions vary, they are generally candidates that stand for equality, social justice, healthcare expansion, living wage and economic … Continue Reading ››