Today’s the Day for Equal Rights in Houston!!

Today is a very big day in the progress towards Houston's Non-Discrimination Ordinance (aka the Equal Rights Ordinance or Human Rights Ordinance). If you support equality for all Houstonians, then please consider attending today's meeting at Houston City Hall. The Quality of Life Committee will convene at 2pm, but there is also a rally … Continue Reading ››

Texoblogosphere: week of April 28th

The Texas Progressive Alliance strongly favors net neutrality as it brings you this week's roundup. Off the Kuff notes another redistricting lawsuit, this one filed by people who think our Senate districts aren't white enough. Libby Shaw at Texas Kaos discovers Rick Perry and Greg Abbott were for the right of eminent domain … Continue Reading ››

DGA Has Little Faith in Wendy Davis

A central part of the Democratic Party fundraising apparatus, the Democratic Governors Association is a group devoted to the nation's gubernatorial races.  They pour in millions of dollars each year to turn the highest state offices around the country blue. But if you're a Texan, don't expect much from them to help Wendy Davis get … Continue Reading ››

Fringe Right LIES To Thwart Houston NDO

It appears as though the far-right is moving to try and stop Houston's Non-Discrimination Ordinance from passing Council.  Here's an email received today from Steven Hotze, President of the Conservative Republicans of Texas.  In an effort to enrage their supporters, they've renamed the planned NDO the 'Sexual Predator Protection Act'...

A Southern Strategy for LGBT Equality

If we could travel back in time just 5 years, it would seem impossible to imagine the pace at which marriage equality is occurring today.  To think that even less than 2 years ago, no popular vote granting same-sex marriage rights had been won in any state.  That didn't occur until the November 2012 elections. But … Continue Reading ››

Kubosh Holds Town Hall on NDO

As Houston City Council prepares to vote on a comprehensive Non- Discrimination Ordinance, the focus of the political debate has turned swiftly to Council Members themselves, as everyone postulates to determine how they plan to vote.  But some Council Members are taking this time as an opportunity to hear directly from Houstonians on the … Continue Reading ››

Abbott Files “Emergency” Stay To Stop Marriage Equality Case

Chances are when someone says the word "emergency" to you, some of the images that may cross your mind are those of an ambulance or fire truck speeding to save someone in danger. Or perhaps the loud sound of alarm bells at a school being threatened by a storm. But apparently to Gubernatorial Candidate Greg Abbott, … Continue Reading ››