Houston, We Have A Budget…

And we didn't have to fudge it.  

As exciting as Texas state politics have been this week, it's important to also take a look back at events in local politics. For the City of Houston, a lot has been accomplished in the last couple of weeks. Far-removed from K-street underbelly controlling DC, … Continue Reading ››

BREAKING: Immigration Reform Bill PASSES the Senate, 68-32

In continuance of has turned out to be quite the week in American politics, the United States Senate has passed the Gang of 8's Comprehensive Immigration Reform Bill by a vote of 68 to 32. The final vote was taken at approximately 3:24pm CST.

Now the pressure is officially … Continue Reading ››

La Mort du DOMA

The death of DOMA

From the Associated Press...

WASHINGTON (AP) — In a historic victory for gay rights, the Supreme Court on Wednesday struck down a provision of a federal law denying federal benefits to married gay couples and cleared the way for the resumption of … Continue Reading ››

Will She Run? Wendy Davis Answers

Texans, if you're not watching the new MSNBC program All In With Chris, then you missed some serious breaking news for the state of Texas last night. As I read this morning's blogosphere, there's a lot of prognostication about State Senator Davis' next role in Texas politics. Will she run for Governor, or won't she?? In … Continue Reading ››

SB5 Falls: Wendy Davis, Texas Women Still Standing

American politics is a living, breathing thing. And it is constantly changing. Those changes occur in very small increments... A new people moving to an area, people talking at work, or learning about new neighbors. It's difficult to actually see that change happening until we take a "snapshot" of it through an election. But this week … Continue Reading ››

Harmonious Hundred: The Houston Symphony’s Centennial

When people think "Texas tradition", the phrase often conjures up some sort of cattle drive, country line dance, or classic big-haired beauty queen. But contrary to popular, Bach, Brahms and Beethoven are long-held Texas traditions as well. With its first concert on June 21st 1913, today marks the 100th year anniversary of the Continue Reading ››

Texas Lege DECIMATING Women’s Health Services

Republicans have learned quickly in Texas just how "Special" a Special Session can be. Late last night in the Senate, the GOP took advantage of unique rules in the Special Session, and were able to pass SB5 against Democratic objections. Senate Bill 5 is textbook amongst TRAP laws, or Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers. Like … Continue Reading ››