‘Civil Death’: SCOTUS Eviscerates Fourth Amendment, Validates Police Profiling

The Supreme Court may not be complete, but that doesn't mean they are any less capable of causing a firestorm.  In what seems to be an incredibly short-sighted decision, a major pillar of the United States Constitution has been all but gutted.  Here's the information from the New York Times editorial board...

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Texoblogosphere: Week of June 20th

The Texas Progressive Alliance looks forward to a day when it never has to mourn the victims of another mass shooting again as it brings you this week's roundup. Off the kuff sets a couple of hopefully attainable goals for Texas Democrats in 2016. Libby Shaw at Daily Kos has had it with political … Continue Reading ››

Pride Houston To Hold Vigil for Orlando Shooting Victims

As Americans are still learning about the tragedy that befell an Orlando, Florida nightclub, LGBT communities across the nation are organizing to mourn the victims, and call for action. From the Inbox, here's a notification from Pride Houston...
Tonight we stand in solidarity against hate in any form. Tonight we stand together in strength to show that … Continue Reading ››