Tag Archives: Houston Non- Discrimination Ordinance

Another HERO Lawsuit, and the National Fight Against Equal Rights

That onslaught of lawsuits mentioned earlier this week??  Well here it comes, right on schedule. Equality opponents really are throwing yet another lawsuit into the mix, even after they achieved their long-fought goal of getting the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance placed on the November ballot.  As Katherine Driessen of the Houston Chronicle reports, this … Continue Reading ››

City Revises Subpoenas, Removes Request For Sermons

Since the story caught wildfire and continues to ricochet across the internet, the City of Houston has decided to revise the HERO Subpoena request.  Here's more from Mike Morris of the Houston Chronicle...
Mayor Annise Parker on Friday followed through on her pledge to narrow the scope of subpoenas sent to local pastors who led … Continue Reading ››

Houston Subpoenas Sermons From Anti-HERO Clergy

In more big news about the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance, the city is taking an interesting new turn in its case.  Here's more on the perplexing news from Katherine Driessen of the Houston Chronicle...
Houston's embattled equal rights ordinance took another legal turn this week when it surfaced that city attorneys, in an unusual step, … Continue Reading ››

LGBT Discrimination in Houston Yellow Cab

In a city as large and diverse as Houston, it's pretty easy to get caught up in one's own pace of life, and very easy to not be involved in local politics.  That is until local politics gets involved with you in the form of discrimination, malicious activity or an accident.  As ABC 13Continue Reading ››

HERO Opponents Beg Texas Supreme Court For Repetitive Action

Apparently the opponents of the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance cannot take "yes" for an answer.  Even after Mayor Annise Parker already agreed that HERO will not be enforced until all matters are settled in court, the anti-equality group is not satisfied in the least.  Here's the Houston Chronicle's Mike Morris with more...

Opponents … Continue Reading ››

Houston Equal Rights Ordinance Won’t See 2014 Ballot

After dropping a temporary restraining order, a State District Judge has set the all important court date for the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance.  As a result, Houstonians will not be voting on HERO in 2014.  Here's the story from Mike Morris of the Houston Chronicle...

Opponents of Houston's equal rights ordinance … Continue Reading ››

Why A HERO Referendum Could Be Good for Houston And Texas

After years of planning, a slew of phone calls, repeated trips to City Hall, organizer trainings, exhaustive blog posts and countless closed-door meetings with Council Members, citizens finally found a voice when the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance was passed on May 28th.  The new law instituted an historic new level of protections for all Houstonians, and for many was a cause for celebration. But today, … Continue Reading ››