Tag Archives: Wendy Davis

Texoblogosphere: Week of July 4th

The Texas Progressive Alliance celebrates another birthday for America as it brings you this week's roundup. Off the Kuff credits Wendy Davis for getting it right on HB2. Libby Shaw at Daily Kos is hardly shocked to learn that our state is run by a group of sexist pigs. Will the Texas GOP … Continue Reading ››

Texoblogosphere: Week of March 21st

The Texas Progressive Alliance hopes your brackets are in better shape than its own as it brings you this week's roundup. Off the Kuff looked at the legislative and judicial primary runoffs for Harris County. When Libby Shaw learned some of the drinking water supplies in the state well exceed the federal standard for … Continue Reading ››

Texas Leftist Impact 2014

As we say goodbye to 2014, it is right to take a moment for reflection. So Texas Leftist wants to answer the ephemeral question... For the year that was 2014, who had the greatest impact on Texas Politics??   There are of course lots of contenders. Attorney General Greg Abbott handily defeated rival Wendy Davis, and is set … Continue Reading ››

The 2014 Electorate: Fewer, Older, Less Diverse

#TurnOutForWHAT??? Literally, that is the question on minds all across the nation right now. With 2014 in the books it's time to take a look at what happened to Democrats this go round.  Why were the results so drastically different than the last two Presidential elections?  Despite the efforts of groups like Battleground Texas, it seems that … Continue Reading ››

A Big Gamble for Battleground Texas in 2014??

The lead-up to Election Night always gets somewhat ridiculous.  The media takes sides in a desperate attempt to claim that they're the next oracle of political predictions.  This is typical and expected. Take Paul Burka, acclaimed political journalist and writer for Texas Monthly, who in a short 2 paragraph article, cemented his views on the … Continue Reading ››

Wendy Davis’ Closing Argument? Education

After a tough and complex campaign season, there are some tell tale signs that the end is near.  One of them?  In the seemingly endless barrage of negative television ads, you start to get more that look less like pure attacks, and more like closing arguments. These ads finally show the candidate's face, and try … Continue Reading ››

Texas Leftist 2014 Endorsements

For those interested, here is the full list of Texas Leftist endorsements for 2014.  Some candidates will also have individual or group posts regarding their endorsement, which will be linked via candidate name from this post.  If a candidate participated in this year's Texas Leftist Candidate Questionnaire, that information will appear beside their party affiliation. Texas … Continue Reading ››