Texoblogosphere: Week of March 27th

The Texas Progressive Alliance promises to repeal last week's roundup and replace it with something better and cheaper this week. It'll be easy. Off the Kuff identifies the top legislative districts to target in 2018. SocraticGadfly sees Greens and other left-liberals talking libertarian-style about getting rid of the Federal Reserve and offers them … Continue Reading ››

Texan Brings Transgender Rights Into Lege Focus

For members of the Texas Transgender community, the notion of being under-represented is nothing new.  Even among the brave, mostly Democrat contingency of those legislators supporting LGBT rights, they are outnumbered on virtually every measure by those who not only don't support equality, but in many cases vehemently oppose it at every opportunity. But for those … Continue Reading ››

Citizens, Texas Business Leaders Unite to Stop SB6

If you live in Houston, this week's news might seem a lot like awkward deja vu from 2015.  Thanks to Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, Senator Lois Kolkhorst, and other Texas Conservatives emboldened by the 2015 defeat of the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance and 2016 elections, held hearings on the blatantly discriminatory Senate Bill 6. The … Continue Reading ››