All posts by L. Wayne Ashley

Thanks for visiting!! My name is Wayne, and I live in Houston, Texas. I wouldn't consider myself a "diehard" liberal activist, but I definitely have a Progressive view on most issues. I'm a proud Millennial, and I feel like the voice of my generation in Texas gets overshadowed by the older, more established groups. This is my effort to change that. Please come back and read when you can.

Through Kwanzaa, A Celebration of Culture, Struggle and Hope

If you ask most people  about Kwanzaa, they will probably say that they have heard and seen the term at some point, and they may even say that it is celebrated mostly in the Black community.  But after that, the details get spotty at best. It's easy to associate this tradition with Christmas because it … Continue Reading ››

Texoblogosphere: Week of December 25th

  The Texas Progressive Alliance wishes a Merry Christmas to all who celebrate it as we bring you this weeks's roundup. From the FINAL week of 2017... Off the Kuff looked at Democratic filings for State Senate and for races in counties neighboring Harris County. SocraticGadfly took a look at various regional election … Continue Reading ››

Holiday Stress: Watch Out In The Parking Lot!!

For all of their positive benefits, the Holidays is often the most stressful time of the whole year.  Be it physically, emotionally or financially, it's easy to become over-extended during this fast-paced season.  It's also very easy to become distracted. While it may not be a surprise, these factors can also lead to an increase in … Continue Reading ››

A Festivus Celebration!! Courtesy of President TRuMP

It's a Festivus Miracle!! And by "it" I do sincerely mean President Donald Trump.  For once, and maybe only once, Texas Leftist is going all in to celebrate our nation's most distinguished 45th President. After all, if the point of the cult holiday Festivus is to air our many grievances and let people know how much … Continue Reading ››

#GrandOlePriorities: After Massive Tax Giveaway, Budgetless GOP Scrambles On Short-Term Government Funding

The funny thing about our Republican leadership in Congress... for certain things they ALWAYS seem to find time. After passing "the largest tax cut in our nation's history", which don't forget is also the single largest ballooning of the deficit in our nation's history from legislation, President Trump, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Speaker of the … Continue Reading ››

Part 2: Lessons For Texas Democrats In Alabama’s Big Victory?

Y'all ready for this Two-Step?   Here's Part 1 in case you missed it. Along with strong support in the suburbs, The incredible surge of African-American voter turnout also proved to be a big boost for Jones.  Black voters showed up at historic levels to support the Democrat. But the key here?  It wasn't just turnout … Continue Reading ››

Music Musings: SZA Keeps Us Going Through ‘The Weekend’

SURPRISE!! You were probably expecting an angry post about today's big news... about how the Republican-led Congress has delivered its massive tax giveaway and healthcare destruction bill to President Trump, just in time for the holidays 😀 Trust me, there will be plenty of time to discuss all of that.  But on days like today, … Continue Reading ››