Tag Archives: John Culberson

Texoblogosphere: Week of May 25th

The Texas Progressive Alliance welcomes the unofficial beginning of summer as it brings you this week's roundup. Off the Kuff takes a look behind the scenes at the deal struck between Houston's Metro and US Rep. John Culberson. Lightseeker at Texas Kaos injects a little Colbert humor into his piece about craven Texas politicians … Continue Reading ››

Texoblogosphere: Week of May 18th

The Texas Progressive Alliance doesn't need hindsight to know that invading Iraq was a tragically stupid decision as it brings you this week's roundup. Off the Kuff is pleasantly surprised to hear that the Houston Metropolitan Transit Authority and US Rep. John Culberson have reached an accord in their longstanding feud over funding for … Continue Reading ››

Culberson, Garcia Put METRO Federal Funds, Commuter Rail On Fast Track

So last Friday, I wrote the following regarding then-unknown plans surrounding the new open-door policy between U.S. Congressman John Culberson, and the Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County, AKA METRO... "But let’s be clear on what the Congressman did not promise.  If a new vote occurs, rail supporters can be sure that Culberson and his group … Continue Reading ››

Culberson Opens The Door To University Line

It's probably no secret that recent years have brought some huge changes at METRO... a complete scrubbing of former leadership, the formation and soon-to-be implementation of an entirely new local bus system, and the successful construction of 3 new light rail lines.  For all these reasons, the METRO of today has very little … Continue Reading ››

Is Ted Poe A Go for Light Rail?

Unless mine eyes and ears deceived me... yes. Though unlike the Chronicle's Dug Begley, I'm not exactly ready to call him a 'new rail line champion'.

In a bit of a shocker on the House floor yesterday, Congressman Ted Poe spoke in support of federal funding for Houston … Continue Reading ››

Houston’s Rail-Less Future?

As we continue to disseminate the long arms of the 2012 election, one particular result has altered the immediate future for Houstonian... The METRO referendum passed by an impressive margin. What's good about the result is that it shows Houstonians support their public transit.

But the "devil" of this decision was in the … Continue Reading ››