Tag Archives: Christopher Busby

Gov. Abbott Rules Out Special Session Over Marriage Equality Fallout

As Americans wait for the Supreme Court's ultimate ruling on Marriage Equality, there's been one question looming in the distance... how will we handle states fallout? For Texas especially, this question has been quite unclear.  With a new Governor and much legislative turnover, some have wondered if a ruling in favor of Marriage Equality would cause … Continue Reading ››

Why A HERO Referendum Could Be Good for Houston And Texas

After years of planning, a slew of phone calls, repeated trips to City Hall, organizer trainings, exhaustive blog posts and countless closed-door meetings with Council Members, citizens finally found a voice when the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance was passed on May 28th.  The new law instituted an historic new level of protections for all Houstonians, and for many was a cause for celebration. But today, … Continue Reading ››

Is Ted Poe A Go for Light Rail?

Unless mine eyes and ears deceived me... yes. Though unlike the Chronicle's Dug Begley, I'm not exactly ready to call him a 'new rail line champion'.

In a bit of a shocker on the House floor yesterday, Congressman Ted Poe spoke in support of federal funding for Houston … Continue Reading ››