Category Archives: Houston

The Green Party Brings Its Mission to Houston

Even as it continues to urbanize and become increasingly diverse, it's doubtful that anyone familiar with American politics considers Texas to be a harbinger of Progressivism.  Thanks to many factors like voter suppression and mis-education, the Lone Star state is expected to once again skew Conservative for the upcoming election. Though the constraints of America's Continue Reading ››

Texoblogosphere: Week of August 1st

The Texas Progressive Alliance had no trouble hearing what Ghazala Khan had to say as it brings you this week's roundup. Off the Kuff wrote about the latest voting rights lawsuit in the state of Texas. "The Daily Jackass", a new series beginning at PDiddie's Brains and Eggs, spotlights the unhinged, unsubstantiated rants of hard-boiled … Continue Reading ››

Texoblogosphere: Week of June 20th

The Texas Progressive Alliance looks forward to a day when it never has to mourn the victims of another mass shooting again as it brings you this week's roundup. Off the kuff sets a couple of hopefully attainable goals for Texas Democrats in 2016. Libby Shaw at Daily Kos has had it with political … Continue Reading ››

‘Shared Sacrifice’: Houston City Council Passes Budget

If a budget is truly a statement of beliefs, then the City of Houston has just learned a lot about its new Chief Executive. Delivering on a promise made just a months earlier, Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner has shepherded a 2016 municipal budget through City Council, and its been done in what appears to be … Continue Reading ››

Houston’s “Historic Flood” Plan… Or Lack Thereof

For many residents of Greater Houston, especially those still caught in the throes of disaster, the April 18th are likely still a very sensitive subject.  Across wide swaths of the region, residents are enduring the terrible headaches of ripping up flooring, towing cars, trashing molded furniture, rewiring electrical systems and waiting for insurance companies to … Continue Reading ››

Texoblogosphere: Week of March 7th

The Texas Progressive Alliance congratulates all the winners of last week's primary elections as it brings you this week's roundup. Off the Kuff explored the pros and cons of Universal Vote By Mail. Libby Shaw contributing to Daily Kos argues that there are subtle tactics taking place at election polls, at least in Harris … Continue Reading ››

Before the University of Houston GOP Debate

In February of 2016, It's no surprise that the political world is at a frenzy right now.  But what is different for those in the University of Houston community?  That frenzy has taken over the campus this week.  Set for Thursday, February 25th, the Republican Party's 'Super Tuesday' Debate will be held at UH's Moores … Continue Reading ››