Tag Archives: Scott Braddock

Texoblogosphere: Week of June 20th

The Texas Progressive Alliance looks forward to a day when it never has to mourn the victims of another mass shooting again as it brings you this week’s roundup.

Off the kuff sets a couple of hopefully attainable goals for Texas Democrats in 2016.

Libby Shaw at Daily Kos has had it with political inaction after yet one more tragic mass shooting. Enough is enough. The carnage has got to stop. Fire the cowards who enable gun slaughter. When Political Cowardice is Lethal.

Socratic Gadfly reads Sanders’ call for election reforms and wishes he had real reform that included third parties.

The Texas Democratic Convention was held in San Antonio this past weekend, and by all accounts was underwhelming, as PDiddie at Brains and Eggs predicted.

eil at All People Have Value took his efforts to the streets to promote the value of everyday life to the corner of Cesar Chavez and Harrisburg in Houston. APHV is part of NeilAquino.com.


And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.

Diana Wray recaps Dan Patrick’s very bad day on Twitter following the Orlando massacre.

The TSTA blog calls for educators to unite against Donald Trump.

Ben Becker has some questions for TEA Commissioner Mike Morath about the STAAR test.

Alamo Heights ISD Superintendent Kevin Brown and several of his colleagues warn that we can no longer fool ourselves into believing that just because many students seem to do well and graduate prepared for college and career, that we can sustain those results over time.

Scott Braddock peeks behind the curtain at the handful of rich radicals who were trying to buy this year’s legislative elections.

Nancy Sims mourns the tragedy in Orlando and asks what we all will do about it.

Kris Banks asserts that gun safety is an LGBT issue.


Texoblogosphere: Week of August 17th, 2015

The Texas Progressive Alliance wishes former President Carter all the best for a full and fast recovery as it brings you this week’s roundup.

Off the Kuff reports on another Voting Rights Act lawsuit, this one filed on behalf of low English proficiency voters who have been denied the ability to bring a translator of their choice to the ballot box with them.

For a time, many Houstonians considered it a point of pride that the city repealed the use of Red Light Cameras in 2010. But as Texas Leftist has recently discovered, a Houston without camera accountability has become much more dangerous for all transit users…Even deadly.

Related to transit, Texas Leftist was on the ground for the historic debut of Houston METRO’s New Bus Network on August 16th, and even took one new route for a test drive.    Or to be technical, “test ride” since THEY did the driving.

Not a trace of irony has been found to be present in the recent pronouncements of a certain Democratic so-called frontrunner for the 2016 presidential nomination. PDiddie at Brains and Eggs — with an assist from the biting cartoons of Ted Rall — illustrates some of the things making Clintonites so nervous of late, none of which have anything to do with e-mail servers or sagging poll numbers.

Socratic Gadfly runs Kinky Friedman’s old Five Mexican Generals border control plan through a Donald Trump filter, just for a bit of fun.

CouldBeTrue of South Texas Chisme is sorry to say Nueces County thinks a husband can kill his wife’s lover with impunity. Stand your ground just the way a Republican likes it. Your wife is your property.

From WCNews at Eye on Williamson. There is so much Texas could do for those in need, but our GOP state leaders choose to do nothing. As a consequence Only Texas Remains above the 20% uninsured rate.

Neil at All People Have Value asserted that the nine bikers shot dead in Waco this past May may have been wrongly killed. APHV is part of NeilAquino.com.


The Makeshift Academic reviews the landscape in Texas on the Affordable Care Act.

Nancy Sims considers the value of the Houston GLBT Political Caucus’ Mayoral endorsement.

The Houston Justice Coalition calls for an investigation into the actions of three sheriff’s deputies who forcibly conducted an illegal body cavity search publicly on a woman in Harris County.

Scott Braddock knows the real reason why Ken Paxton is still in office.

The Texas Living Waters Project reminds us that the best time to plan for a drought is when you’re not in one.




Today’s feature photo is of the Wharton County Courthouse in Wharton, Texas.  Credit:  L. Wayne Ashley

Texoblogosphere: Week of June 15th

The Texas Progressive Alliance is binged out on the Women’s World Cup as it brings you this week’s roundup.

Off the Kuff tries to predict how County Clerks and AG Ken Paxton will react to a SCOTUS ruling in favor of marriage equality.

Libby Shaw at Texas Kaos and contributing to Daily Kos spanks the Texas Republican Party for its ideological and spiteful decisions that cheat Texas taxpayers, robbing them of paid for services. Wake up voters. TX GOP: Spite Cheats Texas Taxpayers.

A few people predicted Leticia Van de Putte’s close loss in the San Antonio mayor’s race, and PDiddie at Brains and Eggs found them.

CouldBeTrue of South Texas Chisme wants you to know a labor bashing provision was in the Latino bashing border security bill. 50 hours a week is the new norm.

Socratic Gadfly thinks we need to drop a bomb on our entire current health care system, going beyond “single payer” to a full-blown British-type National Health System.

Nonsequiteuse is frustrated by journalists who can’t or won’t shut down wingnuts when they go into the Gish Gallop.

From WCNews at Eye on Williamson. Good news out of Williamson County regarding renewable energy, Georgetown Will Be Powered 100 Percent By Renewable Energy Within The Next Couple Years.

Neil at All People Have Value took a picture of the mailbox he used to send a $50 donation to the Bernie Sanders campaign. APHV is part of NeilAquino.com.

Texas Leftist wants you to know about the 150th Anniversary of Juneteenth, and where you can go across Texas to celebrate.


And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.

Scott Braddock looks back at how the Senate operated in a non-two-thirds-rule world.

Juanita is keeping an eye on Tom DeLay as the SCOTUS same sex marriage ruling draws near.

Greg Wythe reviews the list of departing (or possibly departing) legislators so far.

Scott Metzger offers his thoughts on a recent kerfuffle between some high-end restaurants and the Silver Eagle beer distributor that has many Texas microbreweries caught in the middle.

Carmen Cruz and Annetta Ramsey argue that marriage equality matters to both gay and straight people.

BEYONDBones celebrates World Ocean Day while spreading the word about the problem of plastic pollution.

The Texas Election Law Blog critiques Rick Hasen’s criticism of the Hillary Clinton campaign’s push for voting rights reform.

Jay Crossley calls for an end to road-only bonds.

galveston trumpet

Today’s feature photo is from the Strand in Galveston, Texas.  Taken by Texas Leftist author L. Wayne Ashley

Texoblogosphere: Week of February 2nd

The Texas Progressive Alliance believes that our government should be open and available to all as it brings you this week’s roundup.

Off the Kuff writes about opposition to the Plano Equal Rights Ordinance from transgender activists, who say it excludes their community.

Libby Shaw writing for Texas Kaos and contributing to Daily Kos sounds the alarm bell on conservative lawmakers. When one touts one’s conservative credentials voters should never assume this means one is necessarily fiscally responsible, ethical or honest. Conservative Texas: Cronies, Crooks, No-Bid Contracts, No Oversight, Junk Science. But….

From WCNews at Eye on Williamson. Dan Patrick and the GOP are going to cut taxes, no matter what and Need Has Nothing To Do With It.

Bob Stein at Rice University’s Baker Institute handicapped the Houston mayor’s race much the same as PDiddie at Brains and Eggs did… two weeks ago.

CouldBeTrue of South Texas Chisme is appalled at the racism coming from Texas Republican Representatives to the US House and the Texas Legislature.

Politicians love to talk about the economic skills gap– where there are a lot of job opportunities out there, but not enough skilled workers to fill them. But thankfully as Texas Leftist learned, some Houston politicians are moving beyond the talk and working to actually address the issue. Plus, some big news for Texas musicians as we finally learn the fate of the Texas Music Office under Governor Abbott.


And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.

The TSTA Blog reminds us that “school choice” is not a choice for many families in Texas.

The Rivard Report predicts that driverless cars will not solve all of our traffic problems.

Texas Clean Air Matters urges the Legislature to restore clean air funding.

Keep Austin Wonky maps the decline of the capitol city’s bus service.

Minding Houston explains 1115 waivers.

Mark Phariss implores the citizens of Plano not to reject its equal rights ordinance. Nell Gaither, on the other hand, argues that it excludes the transgender community.

Newsdesk explains how open carry advocates shot themselves in the foot.

Scott Braddock highlights another controversy connected to Michael Quinn Sullivan.

Unfair Park reports that the city of Fort Worth has extended spousal benefits to same-sex spouses.


(Photo of the old Fort Bend County Courthouse in Richmond, Texas.) 


Texoblogosphere: Week of October 6th

The Texas Progressive Alliance implores you to get a flu shot since the flu is a much bigger threat than ebola as it brings you this week’s roundup.

Off the Kuff began his series of interviews with statewide candidates by talking to Sam Houston, the Democratic candidate for Attorney General.

Libby Shaw writing for Texas Kaos and at Daily Kos is very pleased that Wendy Davis rightfully hammered Greg Abbott for the culture of corruption that pervades Austin. TX Davis hammers Abbott on Austin’s pervasive culture of corruption.

From WCNews at Eye on Williamson. The question remains, is something like the Texas Enterprise Fund scandal enough to get voters to change their mind about Greg Abbott and the GOP? If not then what would it take?

William Rivers Pitt wrote “an open letter to his Democratic spammer“. PDiddie at Brains and Eggs commiserates.

Neil at All People Have Value wrote an art review of the fish cleaning station at the Texas City Dike. APHV is one of many pages worthy of review at NeilAquino.com.


And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.

Scott Braddock shows the evidence of who’s behind some recent wingnut-on-wingnut violence. Be sure your popcorn popper is in good order, this one looks like a gift that will keep on giving.

Lone Star Q is happy to report that Dallas City Council has voted week to ban discrimination against transgender city employees.

The Lunch Tray took a stand for citizen journalism.

Hair Balls explains what pot has to do with the Harris County DA race this year.

Char Miller eulogizes his colleague John Donahue, a “gracious force for good” in San Antonio.

Nancy Sims posits her grand unification theory of Houston Mayoral elections.

The Texas Election Law Blog assesses the GAO report on how long it took to vote in 2012.

Texas Wtach wants you to understand the impact of the Texas law that shields the medical industry from accountability.

BOR points to HD94 as a below-the-radar race to watch.

Nonsequiteuse connects the dots from racing for the cure to racing for Governor.


(Featured image is the Harrison County Courthouse in Marshall, Texas.  Photo credit:  Lone Star Historian)

Texoblogosphere: Week of August 18th

The Texas Progressive Alliance stands with the people of Ferguson in their quest for peace and justice as it brings you this week’s roundup.

Off the Kuff reminds us that there’s one more special Senate election to go this year, and this one features a Democrat that’s worth supporting.

Harold Cook warns us to keep a sense of perspective on the Rick Perry indictment.

Texas Leftist keeps wondering when the national media is going figure out that Texas could be a swing state today if enough people were actually voting. Plus clarifying Wendy Davis’ stance on LGBT equality issues, and what we can expect if she’s elected.

From WCNews at Eye on Williamson. Unfortunately in Texas we have the government that we voted for, or didn’t vote for, as the case may be, Avoiding Medicaid, Non-Voting, And Ferguson.

Libby Shaw at Texas Kaos finds it amusing how Greg Abbott promotes himself as a small government fiscal conservative while he squanders taxpayer dollars on frivolous lawsuits. Greg Abbott’s Frivolous Fights with the Feds Cost Taxpayers Millions.

After the late Friday afternoon news broke about Rick Perry’s felony indictments, PDiddie at Brains and Eggs consumed more adult beverages than he planned. All weekend long.

CouldBeTrue of South Texas Chisme notes that audit of Hidalgo voting machines shows no tampering. Of course, without a paper audit trail, you can’t really be sure. Kudos to Travis County for their efforts to provide auditable elections.

Neil at Blog About Our Failing Money-Owned American Political System bought a Texas cake to mark the indictment of Rick Perry. NeilAquino.com has many pages and is well worth your time to consider.


And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.

Nonsequiteuse would like Ted Cruz and John Cornyn to invest in Texas the way they invest in themselves.

Juanita disagrees with the calls for Rick Perry to resign.

Lone Star Q decries Rep. Jonathan Stickland’s attack on transgender inmates.

The Texas Election Law Blog games out the state’s strategy in the redistricting litigation.

Lone Star Ma celebrates National Breastfeeding Month.

Scott Braddock shows how Rick Perry’s border posturing is bad for the people that actually live and work there.

And finally, The Bloggess wants us to know that help is always available if you need it.


(photo credit:  Brandi Grahl, panoramio)

Texoblogosphere: Week of August 4th

The Texas Progressive Alliance thinks Congress can stay in recess all the way till November as it brings you this week’s roundup.

Off the Kuff marveled at the warmed over banality of Greg Abbott’s appellate brief in the same sex marriage lawsuit.

John Coby at Bay Area Houston wonders “If a tree falls on you, would Gregg Abbott defend the tree?”

Libby Shaw at Texas Kaos discloses the cynical and deceptive efforts by Ted Cruz and other anti-government ideologues to sabotage the people’s business in the U.S. House of Representative. Only cowards would scapegoat children. Ted Cruz: The Texas Republican Anti-Government Demagogue Strikes Again.

The Democrat in the race for Harris County judge abruptly quit the race last week, and PDiddie at Brains and Eggs saw that as a pity for one candidate and his party and an opportunity for another.

CouldBeTrue of South Texas Chisme isn’t surprised that for profit, low oversight schools, aka charter schools, have severe performance problems.

Neil at NeilAquino.com started a new blog called Blog About Our Failing Money-Owned American Political System. This blog joins All People Have Value http://www.neilaquino.com/all-people-have-value as the two blogs on the site. NeilAquino.com has nine pages total and is well worth your time.

Frustrating as it may be to see abject failure from state political leadership to address ongoing Border challenges,Texas Leftist Is still heartened and inspired to witness such an extraordinary response from Texas faith communities. I wish someone would remind Austin and Washington that basic humanity should ALWAYS come first.


And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.

Keep Austin Wonky proposes a better way to spend a billion infrastructure dollars in the Capitol city.

Better Texas Blog ruefully reports that Texas is a tough place to be a kid or a parent.

Lone Star Q reminds us that it is still perfectly legal in 32 states to fire someone for being gay.

Greg Wythe wonders how Republicans will react to truly free market pricing of new medications.

Concerned Citizens calls for a comprehensive transit solution in San Antonio.

Offcite reports on Plant It Forward, an ambitious vision for urban farming in Houston.

Scott Braddock details Michael Quinn Sullivan’s bad week.

BOR has a suggestion for how Stop Patriarchy can do some actual good in Texas.

(photo credit: VIP Realty SA)