It may not have rocked the Anglosphere, but on the heels of President Obama's bold step forward for immigration reform, he also locked up a very substantial endorsement... perhaps the largest of the 2012 campaign.
Media titan Cristina Saralegui now supports President … Continue Reading ››
Monthly Archives: June 2012
“Misleading” Fox News Tweet?
No, really. So now Fox News is using it's subliminal game to suggest that President Obama "engaged in improper behavior" in 2008...

But the story that links to the tweet is about Obama's choice for Iraq … Continue Reading ››

But the story that links to the tweet is about Obama's choice for Iraq … Continue Reading ››
Blake Farenthold: 16-yrs old “have a say” in illegal immigration
This morning on CNN, US Congressman Blake Farenthold was pressed by Soledad O'Brien on why Congress has failed to act so often on Immigration reform. He insists that they have "acted"... after all, refusing to do anything is an action I guess.
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Drachmocalypse: The making of a Greek tragedy
Every living person on planet earth, regardless of race, ethnicity or nationality, shares a basic right of life. We all have a history. Like our amazing genetic code, each one is different, but connected. The other key this is that each second we live, we also make history. But while making it, history is very … Continue Reading ››
The ABCs of the GOP: F is for…
You know what they say about overly aggressive dogs... "Don't worry, it's bark is worse than it's bite." Most of the time, the same cliche applies in Washington. Politicians make a lot of huge promises during campaign time. They vilify the party opposite, and proclaim themselves to have all of the right … Continue Reading ››
You know what they say about overly aggressive dogs... "Don't worry, it's bark is worse than it's bite." Most of the time, the same cliche applies in Washington. Politicians make a lot of huge promises during campaign time. They vilify the party opposite, and proclaim themselves to have all of the right … Continue Reading ››
Time to DREAM: Obama’s new move on immigration
In yet another historic and bold action, the Obama administration announced bold reforms on its immigration policy. The administration will now grant work VISAs to certain eligible youth and will cease deportations for those who qualify. Most persons affected by this policy change are younger illegal immigrants without a criminal record... those … Continue Reading ››
Megabus’ rocky start in Texas
For weeks, there has been a buzz going on in Texas, especially among the urban traveller crowd. Megabus, the low-cost intra-city bus line is starting service in the Texas Triangle on June 19th. With bargain basement fairs and chic new buses featuring wi-fi and chargers, the company has definitely succeeded in garnering some … Continue Reading ››