TexWatch 2014: Vote in the Democratic Primaries!

First things first, an explanation... Many readers may be wondering why Texas Leftist has been so mum on the 2014 Primary circuit. It's due to a combination of factors... Some personal, and some professional. I wanted to sit back and see how the Primaries play out before endorsing particular candidates. I'm still learning about the statewide … Continue Reading ››

Greg Abbott: The Trouble with Ted Nugent

As the old saying goes, 'You are the company you keep'.

The truth of the matter is that some of Attorney General Abbott's company has openly admitted to having "affairs with several underage girls". As Abbott knows by Texas law, those affairs would possibly qualify Ted Nugent as a rapist, a … Continue Reading ››

Texoblogosphere: Week of February 17th

The Texas Progressive Alliance is always ready for voting to begin as it brings you this week's roundup.

Off the Kuff concluded his series of primary interviews with conversations featuring State Rep. Mary Gonzalez, and Ag Commissioner candidates Kinky Friedman and Hugh Fitzsimons.

Over two … Continue Reading ››

Metro North Line FAR Exceeds 1st Ridership Goals

Some great news directly from the METRO website...

In its first month of operation, the Red/North Line extension exceeded ridership projections by 62 percent.

METRO launched its 5.3-mile extension of the Red/North Line last Dec. 21 - extending the line from HCC-Downtown Station eight more stops … Continue Reading ››

Is President Obama Afraid of Rachel Maddow?

The Super Bowl is undoubtedly the United States' largest annual sporting event. The football brawl is a day for most Americans to relax with friends, consume massive amounts of calories and yell at the tv. The game and all of the hype leading up to it have become one of the country's … Continue Reading ››

Texoblogosphere: week of February 3rd

The Texas Progressive Alliance still has a dozen or so Republican responses to the SOTU it needs to get through as it brings you this week's roundup.

Off the Kuff takes a look at campaign finance reports for Harris County legislative and countywide candidates.

Horwitz at … Continue Reading ››

Comprehensive Immigration Reform ‘Won’t’ Pass The House

The curious case of the GOP versus Comprehensive Immigration Reform continues.

It appears that the latest plan that Republicans have cooked up to stall Immigration Reform is nothing more than an old stand-by... blame President Obama.

Here's more from the Washington Post...

Republicans are starting … Continue Reading ››

A Voice for the Rest of Texas