Tag Archives: TexWatch2014

Wait… How Many School Districts Are Suing Greg Abbott, Texas GOP??

If you want to know the true meaning of sacrifice, ask a Texas teacher.  Even now as schools across the state barrel into a new academic year, teachers are pouring long hours into their craft, and feverishly preparing to devote their time, energy and talents to a new crop of young minds. You probably remember … Continue Reading ››

Why A HERO Referendum Could Be Good for Houston And Texas

After years of planning, a slew of phone calls, repeated trips to City Hall, organizer trainings, exhaustive blog posts and countless closed-door meetings with Council Members, citizens finally found a voice when the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance was passed on May 28th.  The new law instituted an historic new level of protections for all Houstonians, and for many was a cause for celebration. But today, … Continue Reading ››

Texoblogosphere: week of February 3rd

The Texas Progressive Alliance still has a dozen or so Republican responses to the SOTU it needs to get through as it brings you this week's roundup.

Off the Kuff takes a look at campaign finance reports for Harris County legislative and countywide candidates.

Horwitz at … Continue Reading ››

TexWatch 2014: Voting Issues Already??

If you pay attention to the mainstream news, you may think that Texas' first "test run" of the new Voter ID law is going quite well in the 2013 elections. Early voting procedures have been "largely successful" ... at least that's the line that many in the GOP are trying to spin. … Continue Reading ››

TexWatch 2014: Poll Shows Davis Inching Closer to Abbott

As the Houston municipal elections draw to a close, it's time to focus once again on statewide election developments. Save for serious breaking news, I've decided to do a new blog series to keep up with regular election news called TexWatch 2014.

For the first such update, we start with the big … Continue Reading ››