As the old saying goes, ‘You are the company you keep’.
The truth of the matter is that some of Attorney General Abbott’s company has openly admitted to having “affairs with several underage girls”. As Abbott knows by Texas law, those affairs would possibly qualify Ted Nugent as a rapist, a pedophile, or both. These are statements made by the extremist rocker and activist himself. As Christy Hoppe of the Dallas Morning News writes, he’s not denying any of his actions. It’s important to note that Mr. Nugent isn’t charged with a formal crime for these past actions, but it’s still worth noting that he takes ownership for them.
Perhaps it has been a long time since Greg Abbott’s law school days, but given that his job revolves around such critical theory, it might be time for a refresher. The term guilt by association is familiar to legal circles, and even used as a standard of conviction for some defendants. Sure the esteemed Attorney General would know that people whom are otherwise innocent are judged guilty of a crime just because they knowingly kept the company of the “true” criminal. Yet knowing all of this, the Abbott campaign chooses to defend Nugent and his vociferous support of the Second Amendment.
As one can guess, Texas Democrats are the ones leading the charge against Abbott. Here’s more from Christy Hoppe at the DMN…
Opponents pounced on the joint appearances, scheduled Tuesday morning at a Denton restaurant and later that afternoon at a Wichita Falls coffeehouse.
“Texans deserve better than a statewide officeholder and candidate running for governor who welcomes Ted Nugent and his repugnant comments,” said Texas Democratic Party chairman Gilberto Hinojosa.
“I can’t help but recall the old saying, ‘Tell me who your friends are, and I’ll tell you who you are,’” Hinojosa said.
Grace Garcia, executive director of Annie’s List, which raises money for female Democratic candidates, called on Abbott to cancel the appearances.
Garcia said it was inappropriate for Abbott to appear with someone who has described feminists and female politicians as “varmints,” “fat pigs” and “dirty whores.”
“It’s a lie to say he’s on our side and then turn around and accept the support of someone so outspokenly anti-women like Ted Nugent,” she said.
Most politicians, while not cautious individuals in the least, have a tendency to immediately distance themselves from such atrocities. Many conservatives argue that Rick Perry was able to get elected with Ted Nugent practically by his side, and no one’s denying that as the truth. But after enduring the national embarrassment of Perry’s Presidential run and renewed strength from legislative combat, the Texas of 2014 isn’t going to stand for such malfeasance. Even Paul Burka, prominent columnist for the Texas Monthly chose to weigh in with this…
…here’s my message for Greg Abbott: This is totally repugnant, and it is astonishing to me that Abbott has not separated himself from Nugent. It should have been the first thing he did after Nugent’s rants. But no, Abbott is a hard man. He doesn’t give an inch.
It reveals Abbott, at the very least, as someone who doesn’t have acute political judgment. Nugent is political dynamite. He can blow sky high at a moments’ notice. And if Abbott truly believes that he needs Nugent to establish his 2nd Amendment credentials, as if they were in any doubt, then Abbott must believe that his own record doesn’t speak for itself. You can’t have it both ways. The likely next governor of Texas should be better than that.
On the last point, Burka and I agree. By actions like these, Abbott is proving that Texas’ next governor should be Wendy Davis. If Ted Nugent helps to also make that case, then so be it.