He’s a Bainiac… Why Romney’s record matters

One thing is for sure about this election… It’s all going to come down to the economy. This November, Americans will be asked to go to the polls and for the candidates that they perceive as most capable of “fixing” and improving our stagnating unemployment rate. Short of some utterly catastrophic event, the economy is where the buck (and the VOTE) stops.

Yet as of late, the Obama campaign wants to shift the conversation to Romney’s time at Bain Capital. Clearly their latest memo shows that this is a subject they intend to keep in laser focus. But even the most avid supporters of the President have to step back and wonder… is this nagging really worth it? None of this changes the fact that Mitt Romney is a successful businessman.

But here’s what it does change… Romney’s reputation (or lack thereof) for telling the truth. He’s on record now for so many lies that it’s just going to be very difficult for Americans to take him at his word. There are virtually no reliable trends in his record… he’s claimed to be everything from “severely Conservative” to Progressive. To be put simply… he’s a liar.

Taken by itself, the situation with Romney’s time at Bain is one article of shiftiness. For most politicians, it would be miniscule and par for the course. But with Romney, it’s yet another bit of uncertainty to add to his rapidly-growing cloud. This is a serious problem for the Romney campaign… eventually he will have to start clarifying his political positions.

-Is he Pro-Life or Pro-Choice? Why did he switch sides?

-Is he for or against gun control laws?

-Was he or was he not at Bain Capital between 1999 and 2003?

-If he had a “Retroactive Retirement” from Bain after 1999, why did he continue to take a $100,000 salary? That’s a whole lot of money to be doing nothing. -Did he oversee any restructuring of companies that involved outsourcing?

-If he’s really against the Affordable Care Act, why did he enact the progenitor of it in Massachusetts?

-If he’s running on a record of fiscal responsibility, then why did he leave Massachusetts $1 billion dollars in debt after his term as governor?

-Why didn’t he run for a 2nd term? What would cause the American people to elect him as President if he didn’t even have the initiative to get re-elected in his home state?

-Why only release 2 years of tax returns? What could be hiding in them?

The election is ultimately about the economy. But it’s also about a choice between two individuals. Obama’s record, good and bad, is there for us to evaluate. The history of record obstruction and deception within the GOP Congress is also there to evaluate. But with Romney, we’re still as clueless as we were before the first primary vote was cast. None of these questions have been answered clearly by him or his campaign. If he wants to be President of the United States, he’s going to have come clean about all of these questions. To go on simply flagellating from one ideology to the other is manic behavior at best, and not fit for what is at stake in this election. The nation’s challenges are too great for us to bet on someone shrouded in uncertainty.

So tell us Governor… Which Mitt are we going to get?

The ABCs of the GOP: I is for


One thing is absolutely crystal clear about politics… it is hard work. Whether it be the media members that have to cover this ever-evolving rollercoaster of stuff, the super-smart staffers that have to be on-call all hours of the day and night, or the politicians themselves giving speeches and shaking the hands of millions of people, it’s HARD. Despite what they may say on TV, every person that you see as a Washington politician has worked very hard to get to where they are. Each one has run a successful campaign, and has the will of thousands and sometimes millions of voters.

From this, we know that the national Republican party works extremely hard to deliver their message and ideology. In many ways, delivery and discipline are their greatest strengths. But what is not a strong point of the current GOP?? Actually running the country. For their part, they are most just creating the illusion of doing that.

What more proof could you ask for than the 33rd vote to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act… 33 repetitive votes in just 18 months. Eventhough Republicans know that the result of the vote will be the same as the 32 other times they’ve tried it, they decided to do it again. Clearly the choice to do something like this over and over again is wasting the time of the American people. It may give the illusion of actual legislation, but it’s nothing more than running out the clock.

Well maybe I’m wrong about that…

The votes didn’t just waste our time. They also wasted our money. In trying to hold up this illusion of total outrage, the House GOP spent $50 million dollars of our tax money. For the party that claims to be such careful stewards of the public purse, these votes seem to be a pretty outlandish and useless expenditure. Meanwhile every day in this country, more teachers, firefighters and polieceman are laid off from work. How many of them would still have their jobs if Congress had decided to put that money to better use?

Speaking of illusions, it’s pretty odd how the GOP works in that regard. After three years of constant fighting and posturing, Republicans suddenly joined Congressional Democrats last week and passed the highway and student loan bill. This legislation could have been passed years earlier, but Republicans have been using the controversial Keystone XL pipeline as their latest energy whipping boy. Yet when the clock finally ran down to the wire and 2 million American Jobs were on the line, the GOP decided to compromise and Keystone was left out of the bill entirely. I’m glad for this, don’t get me wrong. But isn’t it a little hypocritical? If Keystone was so important to them, why is it suddenly not mentioned for weeks? If your greatest concern is the sky falling due to the deficit, then why is it ok for you to BORROW $105 Billion more dollars without paying for it. They’ve just INCREASED the deficit by voting on this bill, yet there is no outrage, the sky is not falling, and China has not invaded our shores.

Maybe all of those temper tantrums are illusions too.

The Trouble with Mitt: so many lies, so little time

The amazing team over at Buzzfeed has uncovered what is perhaps the most comprehensive (and potentially damaging) document on the GOP nominee yet… an entire record of Mitt Romney’s dealings. The 2008 Oppo File was compiled by the McCain campaign, and it leaves no stone unturned. It lists every controversial statement and questionable thing that has been said by, and could be used against Mr. Romney. This is really HUGE… every major story that is going to break about his past between now and November, this is likely to be a source.

It’s a 200 page document, but here are just a few tidbits that I’ve uncovered so far…

page 7— In October 2005, signed bill expanding family planning services, including abortion counseling and morning-after pill.

page 7— In December 2005, Romney abruptly reversed course and ordered Catholic hospitals to provide contraception emergency services to rape victims (That is even more strict than the national Affordable Care Act of 2010, which does not force Catholic hospitals to provide these services, but offers that the government will pay for them if they do).

page 8 Romney left his successor (as Governor of Massachusetts) to fill a budget deficit in excess of $1 Billion. That’s fiscal responsibility for you.

page 8— Romney refused to endorse the 2003 Bush tax cuts, saying he “wouldn’t be a cheerleader for the pain.”

page 11— Romney once called his state’s insurance law “a once in a generation achievement”. At least we agree on that.

page 11— At least two Bain Capital companies- Stream International and Modus Media– focused on outsourced technical support services, expanding facilities abroad while contracting operations in the United States.

page 133Romney proposed combining state Veterans Affairs with general welfare services. Apparently Veterans aren’t owed anything for fighting for our freedom??

And yes the current news of the day is in here.

page 136— Romney served as CEO of Bain Capital through August 2001, Even though he no longer ran daily operations.

This really is just the tip of the iceberg. Check it out for yourself. I’ll be doing some more in-depth research with this massive file soon.

Time to get real about Government

One thing that always puzzles me in the ongoing discussion about jobs… there’s hardly any mention about public-sector workers, except in reference to “wasteful governemnt spending” or “big government”. Thanks to the incessant drilling of the GOP, Americans have been conditioned to think that ALL taxes are bad, and ALL government spending is wasteful. Some people even question why we have a government. Instead, the President’s job is to somehow “free up” and encourage the Private Sector to give everyone a job. If he hasn’t done that yet, then he’s failed as President.

The truth of the situation is that there are many private market forces the government just can’t control, particularly when dealing with the European financial crises. It hits home when our exports numbers diminish, and that slumps demand for American businesses. As powerful as the President and Congress may be, they cannot control the rate of private hiring and investment. Those decisions are made by the corporate shareholders. If you’re not a shareholder, you don’t get a say.

But what does government have EXCLUSIVE control over?? PUBLIC INVESTMENT. Public-sector jobs are created by the government. Every teacher, fire-fighter, road repairman that you encounter is a public sector worker. These are the jobs that the Obama administration continues to try and create, only to get shot down by Republican forces in Congress. Democrats have tried time and time again to send much needed money to state governments, but as it has been blocked, those states started aggressive layoffs (Does ANYONE remember the American Jobs Act of 2011?). Our public sector has been literally in a free fall. And much of those cuts were led by Conservative States. With roads crumbling, and our kids’ class sizes ballooning as teachers are laid off, our states and cities are hurting. If we re-hired our state and local workers, it would not only help to restore our communities, but also add spending revenue that is shared with the private sector. Public investment ultimately leads to private investment… the two are inextricably linked.

But here’s the kicker… we are the shareholders in the government. We pay for those roads and bridges, we pay for our schools, our parks, our sidewalks. And as shareholders in government, we also have a say in how the money is spent, who controls it, and how it progresses. If we don’t like it, we vote our leaders out, and the results change. Government is much more than just waste and excess. Government is us.

For our nation to truly recover, we have to vote for politicians that understand the reality of the situation. If Congress were willing to act, we could create 1 million new jobs this year, and put people to work by making our whole country better. Just imagine our roads and bridges getting repaired, making schools better for all of our kids, and keeping our streets safe with consistent police patrols and firefighters that don’t have to be paid minimum wage. Government jobs are real jobs… and it’s high time someone stood up and started defending them.

The ABCs of the GOP… H is for


In the 2008 election, it was Jeremiah Wright. In 2009 and 2010 it was Death Panels. 2011 it was the debt ceiling. And so far in 2012, it’s been Keystone XL and Fast and Furious. Oh, and that little thing we call the election that’s happening in November. What do all of these things have in common? Carefully crafted and managed hysteria that was started by the GOP. Of course by now, we’re used to this. We expect Republicans to be the loudest voice in the room and to weave a cloud of confusion over our nation’s issues. We also expect them to reject all solutions put forth by Democrats, but not produce any alternatives. It really is the glue that holds their Game Plan together. As long as Republicans continue to throw flames on the fire, they will light their pitchforks and unite against a common cause.

But does one ever wonder why all of this hype and rage is necessary? If these people are looking for real solutions to our government’s issues, then why aren’t they offerring them? Why devote so much time (and a WHOLE LOT of money) creating distractions and stoking fear?

The answer is quite simple… to hold the party together at all costs. The Republican Party is experiencing absolute inner turmoil the likes of which haven’t been seen for generations. Though it seems long ago, the Republcan Primaries revealed some terrible disorder and chaos. The GOP’s fissures started with the Tea Party, but in 2012 have developed into all-out fault lines that could shift the political continent at any second. The two words Republicans fear the most are not “Barack Obama”, but RON PAUL.

With each state convention, Ron Paul adds to his impressive delegate total. And per the official RNC rules, if Mr. Paul wins a plurality of the delegates in just 5 states, he can legally challenge Mitt Romney for the Republican nomination. So far, Mr. Paul has officially won that plurality in 4 states… Iowa, Minnesota, Maine and Louisiana. Oh, wait… and then there’s Massachusetts, were Ron Paul technically won a majority of delegates at the state convention. At first, Massachusetts party officials honored the win, but later changed their stripes. They disqualified 16 of Massachusetts delegates to the GOP national convention, after they were elected by RNC rules. This is both immoral and illegal… the state party knows it. But right now, they’re fighting dirty to hold on to any party they can salvage. Take it from Evan Kenney, one young Paul supporter and the LEGAL delegate winner… the establishment is doing more harm than good in their abuse of this powerful movement.

Even in the midst of these shady dealings, the Paul team still has one more shot to win 5th state “free and clear”… this weekend’s convention in Nebraska. Left, right and center, all eyes will be watching to see how it turns out.

Despite what the Republican establishment wants us to believe, Ron Paul is still a very viable candidate for the GOP nomination. The establishment wing of the party is in a real bind right now. Any move that they make will alienate one major faction of their voters, but going against the Ron Paul movement could be dangerous for years to come by abolishing the youth vote. Believe it or not, the GOP the real hysteria has yet to begin. They can shut their eyes and ears all the want, but the real REVOLUTION is not ready to make nice.

Romney’s “endorsement” of the Obama jobs record

So welcome to a new month, and a new jobs report. In June the US economy added 80,000 jobs, and our national unemployment rate held steady at 8.2%. By all accounts, this is viewed as a weak report. Job growth simply isn’t “booming” the way it has in previous months. The RNC and the Romney campaign spared no seconds with their criticism…

But even without a boom, isn’t it still better than the alternative? We all know the situation that our country was in 3 and 1/2 years ago. When President Obama took office, “jobs were falling off of a cliff. They had been falling for 11 months. It takes a while to get things turned around after a recession.”

At least this was Mitt Romney’s philosophy about his own record in 2006. The Pro-Obama PAC American Bridge just unearthed a scathing new video showing Romney’s justifications for why Massachusetts jobs growth was less than stellar during his time as Governor.

Funny Gov… we’re “bright enough to look at the numbers too”. As you’d say in a most out-of-touch way, shouldn’t what’s sauce for the goose be sauce for the gander??

Texas Health Scare: What’s our alternative?

Now that the Supreme Court has upheld the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (you know… Obamacare), states are slowly coming to the inevitable conclusion. It is the LAW. The clock is now ticking for states like Texas to begin implementation of these new provisions of health care.

But don’t be fooled, that particular clock was ticking in Texas a long time ago. As evidenced in a previous post, Obamacare or not, state healthcare costs have been on a meteoric rise between 2005 and 2009, skyrocketing 36% during just those 4 years. Even as the costs for the state continue to mount, the number of Texans without insurance continues to rise as well.

Here are some sobering facts from the Texas Medical Association

1 in 4 Texans are uninsured. That’s over over 6.2 million people as of 2010.

-These uninsured people have no but choice to seek the emergency room. As a result they drive up Healthcare costs for everyone else. The average cost to treat a minor ailment in the Doctors office? $56.21. In the emergency room? $193.92 That’s almost 4 times the expense as it would be going to the doctor for a similar ailment (much less waiting until it becomes WORSE). Guess who absorbs those costs? And Texans wonder why our healthcare costs are soaring.

Only 50% of working Texans have health insurance… 49th in the country. The common misconception here is that employers are supposed to offer some form of a health insurance plan. That wasn’t actually a law until the passage of the Affordable Care Act. As a right-to-work state with a plethora of low-wage jobs, Texas companies have very little incentive to offer health insurance. So contrary to popular belief, it’s not just those on welfare in Texas that are struggling to find health care. It’s many of the employed public too.

In the face of these staggerring statistics, Governor Perry, Attorney General Greg Abbott and the Republican-led Texas legislature have vowed to fight the Affordable Care Act tooth and nail. It’s quite an odd stance too, as many Texas Hospitals are in full support of the Medicaid Expansion. Here is a statement from Dan Stults, President of the Texas Hospital Association

“Texas hospitals recognize there are concerns with expanding the Medicaid population, but given the state’s high number of uninsured, all options for gaining insurance coverage must be closely considered. Under PPACA, a significant number of low income individuals could gain insurance without any cost to the state of Texas for several years. Without the Medicaid expansion, many will remain uninsured, shifting costs to the insured and increasing uncompensated care to health care providers,” said Dan Stultz, M.D., FACP, FACHE, THA president/chief executive officer.

“The law was never meant to fix all the problems facing the health care system,” Stultz said. “Texas hospitals look forward to a continued discussion on how to improve the effects of the law for patients, families and communities.”

So Texas hospitals are all for the expansion of Medicaid, the state funding gap for healthcare is increasing at an alarming rate, and our uninsured continue to tax our emergency rooms, and pass ever-ballooning costs to us Texans that are lucky enough to actually have insurance. But Perry and the boys don’t want any government help from “Obamacare”.

Only one question remains to the Governor. What is your alternative?? You continue to reject implementation of the new law, but how would you propose that Texas solve these problems? Are our good Texas companies going to have a change of heart and start insuring all of their workers? Maybe they’ll be nice enough to donate directly to the hospitals so the uninsured can get treated at the ER “for free”? Maybe all of our aging Baby-Boomers will get fed-up and move to Florida??

All Texans should be asking Governor Perry and state lawmakers these questions. If our state really does decide to opt-out we need a real plan in place, and it needs to get implemented now. Mr. Perry… Time’s up.

A Voice for the Rest of Texas