Tag Archives: HERO

Houston Equal Rights Ordinance Won’t See 2014 Ballot

After dropping a temporary restraining order, a State District Judge has set the all important court date for the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance.  As a result, Houstonians will not be voting on HERO in 2014.  Here's the story from Mike Morris of the Houston Chronicle...

Opponents of Houston's equal rights ordinance … Continue Reading ››

Texoblogosphere: Week of August 11th

The Texas Progressive Alliance is glad to live in an age where we can zap political ads on TV if we want to as it brings you this week's roundup. Off the Kuff wonders why AG Greg Abbott didn't just have his own lawyers testify in the latest lawsuit against HB2 given how much … Continue Reading ››

Texas Leftist Published in Houston CultureMap!

As the decision over the HERO petition jostles through the courts, a new debate has arisen in media... should the ordinance be subject to a vote of the people?  Yesterday Clifford Pugh, Editor-in-Chief at CultureMap Houston, penned a response saying that Houstonians should be able to vote on the measure.  Knowing … Continue Reading ››

BREAKING: HERO Opponents FAIL At Recall Attempt

It appears that the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance has survived an attempt to be forced onto the ballot.  According to City Secretary Anna Russell, opposing forces to the new law did not successfully attain the over 17,000 signatures needed to require a referendum.  According to Janice Evans in the Mayor's office (via Twitter), the city … Continue Reading ››

Texoblogosphere: Week of July 6th

The Texas Progressive Alliance has been driving around asking about incendiary chemicals as it brings you this week's roundup. Off the Kuff reports on the petitions turned in by opponents of the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance to require a repeal referendum on the ballot in November, and the determination of the ordinance's backers to defend … Continue Reading ››

Our Continuous Declaration

Today marks the 238th year that we celebrate the formation of the United States of America. We know the stories of triumph and tragedy that followed July 4th, 1776... It was by every measure a Great War which won this country it's Independence. But this country was not born on a battlefield. It was born … Continue Reading ››

Why A HERO Referendum Could Be Good for Houston And Texas

After years of planning, a slew of phone calls, repeated trips to City Hall, organizer trainings, exhaustive blog posts and countless closed-door meetings with Council Members, citizens finally found a voice when the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance was passed on May 28th.  The new law instituted an historic new level of protections for all Houstonians, and for many was a cause for celebration. But today, … Continue Reading ››