ACA Has Helped Create Nearly 1 Million Jobs

Honestly this shouldn't be too surprising, but the Affordable Care Act isn't just giving people more access to quality healthcare.  It's also putting Americans to work and saving many of our nation's hospitals, as reported by Dan Diamond of Forbes magazine... Obamacare was once called “The Job-Killing Health Care Law.” … Continue Reading ››

Congress PASSES VA Healthcare Bill

In the wake of everyone's shock and awe at Eric Cantor's stunning defeat this week, did anyone notice something on Capitol Hill that hasn't happened in a long time??  Yes, that's right... both houses of the United States actually did some WORK this week.  Work that was not meeting with lobbyists or calling rich folks … Continue Reading ››

Rick Perry: Homosexuality Is Like Alcoholism

If anyone thought that Texas Governor Rick Perry might try to keep quiet between now in a possible 2016 run, think again.  He came out spreading falsehoods about homosexuality and the development of sexual orientation.  Here's more from CNN...

A comparison between alcoholism and homosexuality by Texas Gov. Rick Perry is raising eyebrows.

At … Continue Reading ››

Happy Birthday Bush 41!!

For so many people, a President's legacy is often first viewed in how their time in office finishes up, with the central question being, "did they get re-elected?"  Clearly for the nation's 41st President George H. W. Bush, that answer would be a no.  After a rousing 1988 campaign where the candidate boldly declared "Read my lips... NO NEW … Continue Reading ››

Music Musings: Ariana Grande ft. Iggy Azalea “Problem”

Every so often, a singer comes along that forms an immediate, tangible connection with her or his fans.  They possess that unique combination of talent, dedication and relevance which allows them to become the voice of their generation.  For younger millennials  one of those voices seems destined to be Ariana Grande. A native of Florida, the singer … Continue Reading ››

HPD Just Not Investigating Some Crimes… At All!

HPD is coming under intense scrutiny after a recent report showed that the department is way under-staffed to handle a mounting case load.  But after Houston Police Chief Charles McClelland's statements this week, that's clearly NOT the only problem.  Here's the story from Mike Morris of the Houston Chronicle...
Defending his department's failure to investigate thousands … Continue Reading ››

A Voice for the Rest of Texas