Walking Back From Tribalism

The death of an American President is indeed a most curious time for the country. Of course the Presidency is the highest office in the land, and the only elected official that we all share, so it’s sensible that we would remember them, and reflect on their legacy in defining an era for our nation. But … Continue Reading ››

Point of Light: The Passing Of Bush 41

President George H. W. Bush’s record of achievement is unparalleled... from bravery in battle to political bravery during the height of constitutional crisis, from navigation of complex foreign relations to unprecedented champion of the disabled. But above all, his example as a good man, devoted husband and loving patriarch continues to inspire us all.  Just as … Continue Reading ››

Ray Hill: Never Afraid To Speak Out

Everyone has moments in their life where we are faced with an immediate choice.  When we witness an injustice, do we speak out at that very moment, or do we shy away and try to make sense of it in our individual way?  Rarely is this inner struggle an easy one.  But whether easy or … Continue Reading ››

Texoblogosphere: Week of November 19th

The Texas Progressive Alliance wishes everyone a happy Thanksgiving as it brings you this week's roundup. Off the Kuff looked at the results of the Congressional races to find some themes about what happened and what we can learn from them. SocraticGadfly remembers the centenary of the 11th hour of the 11th day of … Continue Reading ››

Georgia Gubernatorial Candidate Stacey Abrams Ends One Campaign, Begins Another

If you've gotten the sense over few weeks that every day seems like an election day, it's because that sense is basically true. Long past November 6th, we continue to see high drama play out within close races, both here in Texas, and across the country.  As analysts continue to assess the ramifications of the 2018 … Continue Reading ››

Alpha Big H: GaWC Ranks Houston As Texas’ First ‘Alpha World City’

In Texas, we talk alot about the "Big D".  But it might just be time to up the conversation about the "Big H". According to the UK based Globalization and World Cities Research Network, the leading academic think tank on cities in globalization, the city of Houston has been doing some B-I-G things of late.  So … Continue Reading ››

Texoblogosphere: Week of November 12th

The Texas Progressive Alliance celebrates last week's wins and looks to build on them as it brings you this week's roundup. Off the Kuff has some fun with the Harris County Republican Party and its ridiculous whining about straight ticket voting. SocraticGadfly had a three-part election wrap. First, he looked at general hot … Continue Reading ››

A Voice for the Rest of Texas