Tag Archives: Therese Odell

Texoblogosphere: Week of November 12th

The Texas Progressive Alliance celebrates last week’s wins and looks to build on them as it brings you this week’s roundup.

Off the Kuff has some fun with the Harris County Republican Party and its ridiculous whining about straight ticket voting.

SocraticGadfly had a three-part election wrap. First, he looked at general hot takes, trends and issues from races. Second, he observed that conservative writers at centrist political mags were getting out the long knives for Beto, maybe in fear of a 2020 presidential run. Third, noting successful Democratic Socialist of America campaigns, he wondered if they would stay true to ideals once in office, and other issues, above all, the use of the word “socialist.”


And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.

Colin Strother makes the case for Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Therese Odell vents about the Saturday Night Live/Dan Crenshaw situation.

Sanford Nowlin reports on how progressives hope to build on 2018.

Paradise in Hell interprets the Presidential appointment-making process.

Grits for Breakfast looks at the 2018 results through a criminal justice reform lens.

Dan Gordon cuts through the anti-Semitic crap.


And just gotta say… the view from a much more #BlueTexas is looking pretty good!!  Let’s work together, and fully realize that dream in 2020 and 2022.

Texoblogosphere: Week of April 2nd

The Texas Progressive Alliance believes that everyone counts and everyone should be counted as it brings you this week’s roundup.

Off the Kuff takes two more looks at precinct data in Harris County from the primary races.

Socratic Gadfly offers some updates on what now clearly appears to be a weird triangle in Marlin between Houston real estate “flippers,” a former VA hospital building, and the General Land Office and P. Bush.

Neil at All People Have Value again made the point that there is authoritarian/Constitutional crisis on the way.


And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.

Luke Amphlett criticizes the San Antonio ISD handbook on SB4, the so-called “sanctuary cities” law.

Therese Odell sees a chance for the Roseanne reboot to open a national dialogue on important issues, but fears it will take the easy way out.

Durrel Douglas unveils a project aimed at placing more Black people on government/NGO Boards and Commissions.

The Texas Living Waters Project reminds us that urban wildlife and people need healthy creeks and streams, not channelized ditches.

Amy Pearl asks who “walkability” is for.

BeyondBones explores the origins of timekeeping.

Guest Texan Aviva Shen examines the primary ouster of McLennan County DA Abel Reyna.

Texoblogosphere: Week of January 15th

The Texas Progressive Alliance thinks a house of cards built by a hyperactive six-year-old is more stable than Donald Trump as it brings you this week’s roundup.

Off the Kuff takes a shot at predicting which female candidates for Congress in Texas have the best shot at getting elected.

SocraticGadfly is still waiting for Lupe Valdez to actually take a political stance.

In a sidebar, he had snarky pieces about Trump’s alleged payoff to Stormy Daniels and what’s new on Gorilla Channel viewing both run with Ken Silverstein’s Washington Babylon.

Neil at All People Have Value discussed the great Houston Democratic Socialists of America endorsed slate for 2018. APHV is part of NeilAquino.com.

Even as larger communities like Houston have welcomed the New Year and largely turned the page on Hurricane Harvey, this is not the case for many other Texas communities. As Texas Leftist shares, Harvey is very much a 2018 reality for coastal towns like Rockport.


And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.

Jim Schutze observes that life as we know it has gone on in Dallas even after tearing down the statue of Robert E. Lee.

The Current documents the brief but impactful life of the #DentonTrumpster.

Leah Binkovitz ponders the Houston region’s transit future.

Better Texas Blog plans to face 2018 with a fierce sense of optimism about what can be accomplished.

Therese Odell reluctantly climbs down into the shithole.

Leif Reigstad rounds up the Texans we lost last year that we’ll miss the most.

Grits for Breakfast points out a problem with life-without-parole sentences.

Michael Li outlines the Texas redistricting case SCOTUS has agreed to hear.


Texoblogosphere: Week of January 1st: Happy BLUE Year!!!

he Texas Progressive Alliance wishes everyone a happy and blue-wavey new year.

Off the Kuff took a closer look at Democratic Congressional candidates around the state.

SocraticGadfly riffed on the idea of the Twelve Days of Christmas and found 12 jobs even better than knitting for Hillary Clinton.

EgbertoWillies.com writes about “Chappelle to poor whites: Trump is fighting for me, not you” and points out that “Evangelical Christians will pay for trading faith for power, morality lost forever.”

Neil at All People Have Value said Democrats running for office at every level of government in 2018 should be asked how they will respond to the threat of authoritarian government in the U.S. APHV is part of NeilAquino.com.

Texas Leftist has a new theme for this new, BLUE year:  Don’t get ready, STAY ready.


And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.

The Rivard Report tells the story of Holocaust survivor Rose Williams on her 90th birthday.

Grits for Breakfast defends using risk assessments at bail hearings.

Therese Odell was still on the Trump watch beat over the holidays.

DeAnne Cuellar tells you how to save the Internet.

Juanita is feeling better now, thanks to all for the concern.

Along with ushering in 2018, January 1st was also the closing day for the 51st celebration of Kwanzaa, a Communitarian holiday festival which celebrates and educates the culture, struggles and triumphs of the Pan-African Diaspora.  The featured photo shows a fully lit Kwanzaa Kinara on the festival’s final day of celebration.

Texoblogosphere: Week of February 13th

The Texas Progressive Alliance declares that the number of the counting shall be three (to zero) as it brings you this week’s roundup.

Off the Kuff looked at the Congressional seats the DCCC says it will target in 2018.

Libby Shaw at Daily Kos exposes the craven hypocrisy of Texas Senator John Cornyn. No John Cornyn we did not overwhelm your offices because we are sore losers.

SocraticGadfly takes a look at a biennial Texas Legislature tradition — peddling seemingly unconstitutional bills. This year, silencing non-duopoly voters and other vote disenfranchisement is in the crosshairs.

CouldBeTrue of South Texas Chisme heard Stephen Miller and Jason Chaffetz. Texas Republicans, like the Trump apparatchiks and GOP operatives in other legislative bodies, are going after voting rights with a vengeance.

Three years, eleventh months, and one more week just like the past three, writes PDiddie at Brains and Eggs.

Neil at All People Have Value posted a picture he took of diverse and excellent citizens of Houston protesting against Trump’s travel ban. APHV is part of NeilAquino.com.


And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.

Lone Star Ma calls on us to make contacting our elected officials part of a daily routine.

Therese Odell rounds up the anti-Trump Super Bowl highlights.

The TSTA Blog explains how the Senate budget cuts funding for schools.

Texans Together offers some practical advice for contacting your elected officials.

Bakeyah Nelson implores Ben Carson to “first do no harm” at HUD.

Cort McMurray‘s heart goes out to poor John Cornyn for having to deal with all those pesky constituents