Here are some great reads from other Texas and Houston-area bloggers...
Charles Kuffner at Off the Kuff is examining the fate of the near-defunct North Forest ISD. Will the district fall into the hands of KIPP charter schools, or will it be managed by HISD? Either decision … Continue Reading ››
Houston Faces Growing Pains with Chapter 42
Everyone of us can identify with the notion of growing pains... going from the small frame of a child, to one's body awkwardly adjusting into adulthood. You probably remember the weird fit of your clothes, interesting voice changes, and of course a flood unexplained (and often unreasoned) emotions.
The city of … Continue Reading ››
The city of … Continue Reading ››
Get Schooled: The Truth on Texas Education Funding
As the Texas legislative session continues to tick away, many people in the state are becoming worried about Texas Schools, which took a $5 Billion dollar funding cut from the 2011 session thanks to the GOP. While some have been pandering to angry voters saying that they would "consider" restoring some of the funds, no … Continue Reading ››
ICYMI: The Move to a Blue Texas picks up steam
After being inundated with with the Conservative rantings at CPAC this week, here's an event that got far less press coverage, but it is just as important. As a lone Liberal voice in the Washington wilderness, the Center for American Progress gave the most in-depth analysis of how to shift the red tide … Continue Reading ››
Going Proud? Sen. Rob Portman supports Marriage Equality
In a somewhat stunning development, a high-profile member of the Republican Party has "crossed the Rubicon"... reversing his stance on Marriage Equality.
Senator Rob Portman gave the revelation to CNN's Dana Bash. He said that the decision was due to his Will coming out to the family.
Make no mistake … Continue Reading ››
Senator Rob Portman gave the revelation to CNN's Dana Bash. He said that the decision was due to his Will coming out to the family.
Make no mistake … Continue Reading ››
FRC: Single people should be punished for having sex
Not sure what our brand new Pontiff's views on the subject, but here's a spectacular 19th century view from Patt Fagan of the Family Research Council. From Right Wing Watch, he says that unmarried people should be punished for having sex, and denied the use of Contraception. Here's the direct quote, … Continue Reading ››
PPP Power: Houston Wins the Bloomberg Challenge
As if the Art Car parade wasn't sufficient evidence, Houstonians have proven once again that they really know how to turn today's trash into tomorrow's treasure. Per Mayor Annise Parker's announcement, Houston was one of 5 cities selected (out of 305 submissions) that won the Bloomberg Philanthropies' Mayoral Challenge. The city will receive … Continue Reading ››