Tag Archives: Charles Kuffner Off the Kuff

Texoblogosphere: Week of November 1st

The Texas Progressive Alliance asks if you have voted yet as it brings you this week’s roundup.

Off the Kuff compares current and older poll results to evaluate the argument that Texas Democrats should not get too giddy.

Socratic Gadfly calls Mark Miller, the Libertarian candidate for the Texas Railroad Commission, a dangerous alternative, and calls out any and all state-level Democratic fixtures endorsing him instead of Green Martina Salinas over Grady Yarbrough.

Libby Shaw at Daily Kos learned that elections are rigged in a certain way. The rigging is called voter suppression and gerrymandering. Where the Real Rigging Takes Place.

CouldBeTrue of South Texas Chisme wonders why Texas Republicans hate women and children so much. Funerals for miscarriages? Giving tax cuts to corporations while stiffing health care for children.

Turnout in Harris County and across Texas and the country swelled as Americans chose to end the 2016 presidential election as early as humanly possible. PDiddie at Brains and Eggs wrote about his personal experience voting early at one of Houston’s heaviest polling places.

Neil at All People Have Value said that if you see a gap, you should fill it in yourself. APHV is part of NeilAquino.com.


And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.

Lone Star Ma wants to know what your voting plan is.

Grits for Breakfast despairs over the degraded state of Texas high criminal court elections.

The TSTA Blog calls on Dan Patrick to put his money where his mouth is on special education.

Mimi Marziani argues that Texas still has a long way to go to get it right on voter registration.

Paradise in Hell wonders how many more Republican judges will switch parties.


And Just for Fun…

Via 270 to Win, here’s the election prediction for 2016.  While I certainly see a Blue Texas for the future, I’m not sure that it will be happening next week.  Though I would be very happy to be wrong about that, and see Hillary win in a landslide!!




Do you have an Election prediction?  If so, share yours in the comments.

Houston: City Employees Granted Full Benefits for Same-Sex Spouses

Today is a big day for Houston’s LGBT community… an emotional day as well. Directly from the Mayor’s Office, here’s the press release…

Mayor Annise Parker today announced that the city will begin offering benefits to all legally married spouses of city employees. This will apply to same-sex couples who have been married in a state where same-sex marriage is legal. The mayor’s decision is based on a city legal department interpretation of recent U.S. Supreme Court decisions and other relevant case law from the around the country.

A 2001 voter-approved City Charter amendment has previously been relied upon as the basis for prohibiting the granting of same-sex benefits. However, the amendment specifically permits benefits to be provided to “legal spouses” of employees. After a careful review of recent case law, the city legal department believes continued application of the charter amendment so as to deny same-sex spousal benefits would be unlawful because it treats employees differently on the basis of sexual orientation.

“Based on the right to equal protection under the law, it is unconstitutional for the city to continue to deny benefits to the same-sex spouses of our employees who are legally married,” said Mayor Parker. “This change is not only the legal thing to do, it is the right, just and fair thing to do.”

The city of Houston is following actions already taken by several federal agencies, including the Internal Revenue Service, which announced in August that all legally married same-sex couples will be recognized as married for federal tax purposes, even if those couples reside in states that do not recognize same-sex marriage.”

As a result of this policy change, same-sex spouses of city employees will now be eligible for the same health care and life insurance benefits previously offered only to heterosexual married couples. It is unclear at this time as to how many employees will take advantage of the change because there is no way to know how many have legally recognized same-sex marriages. The new policy will not extend to domestic partners; it applies only to legally married couples.

The move notes some significant progress for Texas’ largest city, and provides a great example of something other municipalities in Conservative states can do to aid legally married same-sex couples. Under the current charter amendment passed in 2001, Houston is still unable to offer domestic partner benefits to unmarried same-sex couples. Houston

This is a proud moment for the Parker administration… something expected, but maybe not so soon after her reelection. I take it as a signal that she is serious on the advancement of equality for Houston. The issue’s bottom line is all about fairness. At yesterday’s Press Conference, Mike Morris of the Houston Chronicle asked an important question regarding the state-level Defense of Marrige Act…

Morris: “What would you say to a critic who might view this as your administration choosing not to enforce provisions [of state law]?”

Parker: “I’ll read you the exact language in the City Charter.

‘Except as required by state or federal law, The City of Houston shall not provide employment benefits, including health care, to persons other than employees, their legal spouses, or dependent children…’ It’s very clear… employees, legal spouses and their dependent children. The plain language [of who can and cannot be covered] is in the charter.

Morris: “Except as required by state law.”

Parker: “State or federal law, and federal law trumps state law.”

As our state’s Conservative leaders continue to hope pray that LGBT equality will go away, Houston continues to make progress towards a more equal society for it’s citizens.

In the wake of this important step, another fact deserves to be discussed. He may not have expected yesterday’s announcement, but I can guarantee you that fellow blogger Charles Kuffner of Off the Kuff had something to do with it. Through interviews with 35 Houston municipal candidates, including 10 currently elected officials, Kuffner was consistent in putting the candidates on record for their stance about domestic partner benefits. Thanks to his tireless work, this and other equality issues were kept at the forefront of the 2013 elections.

For more coverage on this topic, check out Off the Kuff, Texpatriate, and Brains and Eggs.

Tex-o-blog-o-sphere: Blog news 3/22/13

Here are some great reads from other Texas and Houston-area bloggers…

Charles Kuffner at Off the Kuff is examining the fate of the near-defunct North Forest ISD. Will the district fall into the hands of KIPP charter schools, or will it be managed by HISD? Either decision is sure to be very emotional.

Perry Dorrell at Brains and Eggs is covering the unique story of a Fort Bend County Tea Party Patriot that used to be an American fascist. First the Tea Partiers give us Todd “legitimate rape” Akin, Foster “acid between the legs” Friess, and now Jim “heil Hitler” Ives? The gifts really do just keep coming!

Stace Medellin at Dos Centavos is totally not impressed with State Senator Dan Patrick… especially when he tries to remove cultural History electives from Texas schools. Apparently, Patrick’s idea of educational choice is choosing to be LESS educated.

I’m getting ready for Houston’s Chapter 42 fight coming in April. And I must say, I was very happy to get some feedback from the Mayor’s Office on the issue, and will be sure to add their comments to my post when received.

And one more thing… I’ve actually conducted the Texas Leftist blog’s first interview!! Be on the lookout for it next week. Ok, and I need to figure out what exactly the Texas Progressive Alliance is. Hey, give me a break… I’m still relatively new to the blog world!!