Is Houston’s Mayor “Playing It Safe” on GLBT equality?

It's been quite the whirlwind day for GLBT equality, and oddly enough none of the major news was from Washington for once. In the words of the HRC's Chad Griffin, Jason Collins "changed the face of sports forever" by the being the first active American professional athlete to come out as gay. … Continue Reading ››

Smart phone app for Houston Job seekers Launches

Houston is a city with an affinity for forward motion, and Mayor Annise Parker's new initiative is no exception. In an effort to arm Houston job seekers and employers with a new, 21st century way to connect, the Mayor announced the launch of the 'Tweet My Jobs Houston' smart phone app. Now … Continue Reading ››

Texoblogosphere: Blog News 4/25/13

The thoughts and prayers of the Texas Progressive Alliance are with the people of Boston and West as we bring you this week’s roundup.

Off the Kuff explains what electric car makers and microbreweries have in common.

There’s always a price for stupidity … Continue Reading ››

George W. Bush Day, and Why Barbara is my Favorite Bush

Today is one for the American history books. All five of the nation's living Presidents have gathered in Dallas to open the George W. Bush Presidential Library in Dallas today. The last time that the five men met was shortly after President Obama's 2008 election. Regardless of one's politics, this is … Continue Reading ››

Houston City Council PASSES Chapter 42

Ready or not, here we come...

After six years of vigorous debate, the Houston City Council has voted to further increase the city's density. Chapter 42 passed Council on a vote of 14 to 3. The ordinance changes development rules in the hopes of making the city more competitive … Continue Reading ››

At Long Last… THE Immigration Reform Bill

After years of prognostication, we finally have the bi-partisan Senate draft for an Immigration Reform bill... as proposed by the Gang of 8. Interesting that it's called the Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act of 2013... likely at the insistence of Republican members.  (Update:  This Bill was PASSED by the Senate … Continue Reading ››

Pulling for Boston

Boston is one of America's greatest cities. Through sun and rain, the city moves on with pride, and carries the weight of American history. Not only is Boston the cradle of this great nation from a political standpoint, but it's also a musical powerhouse, giving rise to mega groups like Aerosmith, New Kids … Continue Reading ››

A Voice for the Rest of Texas