Tag Archives: TexasKaos

Texoblogosphere: week of September 22nd

The Texas Progressive Alliance is thoroughly enjoying some Republican slapstick comedy as it brings you this week’s roundup.

Off the Kuff implores Sen. Leticia Van de Putte to run for Lt. Governor. One look at the group vying for the GOP nomination shows how much we need her on our ticket.

Eye On Williamson is having some technical difficulties this week, we hope to be back next week.

Texas Leftist takes an early look at Annise Parker’s political legacy as Mayor of Houston, and why lacking a 3rd term isn’t the only reason it seems incomplete. Plus we remember some wisdom from Governor Ann Richards on why Texas Democrats are different.

Once PDiddie at Brains and Eggs declared this year’s municipal election season in Houston “the most boring ever”, things started to pick up a bit.

Horwitz at Texpatriate discusses the controversy that has arisen in a Houston City Council election after one leading candidate allegedly made some unspeakably offensive comments.

Over at TexasKaos, Libby Shaw explains that cravenness hasn’t gone out of style, no sir. Check out More of the Same. Cruel, Crazy and Craven.

And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.

John Coby has some advice for David Dewhurst.

The Great God Pan Is Dead showcases an excellent graphical guide to the insurance exchanges.

Better Texas Blog covers young adults and the insurance marketplace.

Texas Living Waters Project calls out Lt. Gov. candidate Jerry Patterson for his ignorant remarks about endangered species.

Nonsequiteuse has an action item for everyone who believes in reproductive justice.

Prairie Weather examines the link between Obamacare and ego.

TFN Insider reminds us why Don McLeroy should never be allowed near a textbook.

Texoblogosphere: 7-15

The Texas Progressive Alliance stands with Texas women as it brings you this week’s roundup.

Off the Kuff gives some advice on what to do now that the anti-abortion bill has passed.

Horwitz at Texpatriate explains why he is a Democrat.

WCNews at Eye on Williamson says the dream that once made America great has become a nightmare for too many, We must “make morality possible again”, and bring back “The American Dream”.

CouldBeTrue of South Texas Chisme can hardly wait to see the results of the republican War on Women in 2014. Some Blue Dogs like Eddie Lucio Jr. are already feeling a pinch.

Dr. Mark Jones of Rice University tried to take down Wendy Davis’ political prospects, and PDiddie at Brains and Eggs had to take down Jones. Conservatives drinking “librul” whine still smell like vinegar.

At TexasKaoslightseeker foresees the coming crackup of the Texas Republicans. Check it out: Texas Republicans – The Coming Crackup??


And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.

Juanita eulogizes Bev Carter, Fort Bend political journalist and rabble-rouser.

Lone Star Ma deplores the gutting of the Voting Rights Act.

Jason Stanford has a personal story about why the omnibus anti-abortion bill is such a miscarriage of justice.

Equality Texas reports from the Texas GSA Network Activist Camp.

Greg Wythe shreds a recent story that claims Sen. Wendy Davis is “too liberal” to win in Texas.

Texas Vox looks at a series of new studies that focus on the destructive effects of pollution.

The Texas Green Report explains why you should care about the cost of tap water.

Concerned Citizens reminds us once again that elections have consequences.

BOR analyzes the litigation that is likely to arise from the passage of the omnibus anti-abortion bill.

Texoblogosphere: week of June 10th

The Texas Progressive Alliance thinks that we should have tried to get redistricting done right the first time instead of waiting till now to involve the public as it brings you this week’s roundup.

Off the Kuff gave an updated look at the state of the 2013 elections in Houston.

Over at TexasKaos, Libby Shaw explains that Texas Ranks 51 in Voter Turnout. Another dubious achievement for Governor Oops… Check it out.

Which news item was false but with a ring of truth, and which was true but everyone wishes was false? PDiddie at Brains and Eggs reports… you decide.

Stace at Dos Centavos is a proponent of using Mexican American culture as a means of capturing that demographic’s vote. He provides a follow-up to a recent KHOU report by Vicente Arenas on the resurgence of Tejano music. It’s a good opportunity for non-Tejano fans to learn a little cultural history about the music genre whose live concerts still attract thousands of eligible voters.

WCNews at Eye on Williamson explains that Battleground Texas has already achieved its first goal… putting the GOP on the defensive.

Judge Edith Jones has the racist, Republican vibe down pat. CouldBeTrue of South Texas Chisme wonders why she hasn’t been impeached yet.

And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.

Texas Clean Air Matters advocates for stronger ozone standards, for a healthier Texas.

Greg Wythe liveblogs the Senate redistricting hearing from Houston.

Texas Redistricting explains what “candidate of choice” means.

The Texas Green Report gives Austin the advantage over San Antonio on green building codes…for now.

Texas Vox preps us for the way climate change will affect our summers.

Colin Strother points out that campus carry is a conundrum for cops.

BOR cannot believe that a Texas jury acquitted a man for killing an escort that wouldn’t have sex with him.

Texpatriate offers its list of Best and Worst legislators.

Texas Leftist makes the connection between the war on drugs and racial profiling.

A hearty “Welcome Back” to blogging to John Coby, who tells us about the trouble (sorry, “twouble”) with TWIA.

And finally, Lemon Sweetie asked Sir Patrick Stewart a question about his work fighting against domestic violence while at Comicpalooza in Houston, and got an amazing answer. Be sure to watch the video as well.

Texoblogosphere: Blog News 4/25/13

The thoughts and prayers of the Texas Progressive Alliance are with the people of Boston and West as we bring you this week’s roundup.

Off the Kuff explains what electric car makers and microbreweries have in common.

There’s always a price for stupidity and it’s usually steep, especially when it comes to the stupid decision not the regulate key industries. From Mcblogger, The bill for Rick Perry’s low regulation heaven came due this week in West.

Before all of the other things happened last week, Swift Boat Bob Perry passed on to his greater reward. Which, PDiddie at Brains and Eggs hopes, is a low-paying job in an extremely warm climate.

WCNews at Eye on Williamson posts about former Williamson County DA being charged with a crime, Ken Anderson will be charged with criminal wrongdoing in Michael Morton case.

At TexasKaos, Libby Shaw reminds us that there are no signs of Rick Perry become a human being anytime soon. Check out Rick Perry’s Texas: Tax Cuts for Businesses. No Mercy for the Poor.


And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.

TFN Insider reminds us that the creationists are still at work in the Legislature.

The Great God Pan Is Dead joins with the Houston Art Alliance to paint some trees blue.

Concerned Citizens warns about a teabagger group that targets progressive municipal candidates with nuisance ethics complaints.

Jason Stanford doesn’t believe in miracles, at least not as far as test scores are concerned.

Mark Bennett illustrates how spousal privilege may come into play in the Kaufman County murder trials.

Texpatriate finds a reason to be proud of his (Republican) Senator.

Texas Watch offers some tips for dealing with your insurance company after a disaster.

And finally, Flavia Isabel has some helpful hints for domestic bliss.