If you're like most Democrats in Texas right now, you're probably disappointed that the GOP were able to win this round of the battle for Women's Rights. I don't intend to make light of that fact... this law will be devastating to hundreds of thousands of Texas Women.
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Zimmerman Verdict: NOT Guilty
Just a few moments ago, the 6-member jury in Sanford, Florida found George Zimmerman Not Guilty in the murder of Trayvon Martin. So yeah, he did shoot and kill him, but he's "not guilty" of doing it.
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Why I’m In for Jen: Jenifer Rene Pool
Houston summers can seem endless, but in reality, we're marching through it quite fast. And nowhere is that calendar time more apparent than in the minds of our local municipal candidates. They see the hot days ticking away, and know that we're under 4 or so months from the November elections, and 90 days … Continue Reading ››
Grand Chance: Steve Grand’s All-American Boy
For being known as "the love that dare not speak its name", gay romance is sure getting a lot of exposure lately. And that shouldn't be a surprise to anyone, as 2013 has been a landmark year for the LGBT community. The Defense of Marriage Act is DEAD, America has its first openly … Continue Reading ››
An Orange Rally with Blue Roots
Yeah ok... As a Democrat and someone who didn't go to UT-Austin, I have to admit that I would have preferred a different set of colors for the Stand With Texas Women movement. What's worse is having the Anti-Choice counter attack steal our blue. Not cool.
But the irony of yesterday's Stand … Continue Reading ››
But the irony of yesterday's Stand … Continue Reading ››
No More Perrystan!! But what’s next?
At least come early 2015.
Yesterday, the longest-serving Governor in Texas history, made his big announcement... Rick Perry will not seek re-election. Here's more from the Texas Tribune...
Perry announced Monday that he will not run for re-election next year, creating the first open race … Continue Reading ››
Yesterday, the longest-serving Governor in Texas history, made his big announcement... Rick Perry will not seek re-election. Here's more from the Texas Tribune...
Perry announced Monday that he will not run for re-election next year, creating the first open race … Continue Reading ››
The New American Patriotism
On this Independence Day, I am proud to be an American. Even with all of the issues we have in this country, it's truly great to live in a place where we can settle the majority of our disputes … Continue Reading ››