Category Archives: Houston Politics

Amid Political Barbs, Houston City Council Passes Budget

With this year's municipal elections looming large in the background, the Houston City Council did its annual duty, passing a $5.1 Billion Dollar budget. Here's more on the process from Mike Morris of the Houston Chronicle...
Houston City Council, in passing a budget amendment on Wednesday, made the mayor and some union leaders nervous by dipping … Continue Reading ››

Texoblogosphere: Week of June 15th

The Texas Progressive Alliance is binged out on the Women's World Cup as it brings you this week's roundup. Off the Kuff tries to predict how County Clerks and AG Ken Paxton will react to a SCOTUS ruling in favor of marriage equality. Libby Shaw at Texas Kaos and contributing to Daily KosContinue Reading ››

Marriage Equality Will Face Hurdles in Harris County

In recent years, the month of June has often meant big news out of the Supreme Court, and June 2015 is likely to be no exception.  Any day now, it is quite possible that the issue of Marriage Equality could be settled once and for all by the Federal Government. But just because an historic ruling … Continue Reading ››

Houston Mayoral Candidates Discuss The Arts

The first major forum in Houston's 2015 campaign season may have been all about the Arts, but it was lacking in drama. Candidates hoping to replace Houston Mayor Annise Parker tested the waters of election season on some previously untested issues for local politics.  Rebecca Elliott of the Houston Chronicle has the story...
Houston's mayoral candidates … Continue Reading ››

Lisa Falkenberg Receives Houston City Proclamation

Tuesday was a very special day at Houston City Council, as the city's municipal government took some time to honor the work of one very special Houstonian.  Here's the story from the Houston Chronicle...
Houston Chronicle columnist Lisa Falkenberg was honored by Houston City Council Tuesday after being awarded the 2015 Pulitzer Prize for Commentary. Houston … Continue Reading ››

Council Member Green Calls Out Congress On Infrastructure, Project Brays

It's a story that local public officials know all too well in the modern era... abdication of the Federal Government when it comes to infrastructure projects.  Whether it was Democrats moving to prioritize other needs over needed infrastructure spending, or Republicans trying desperately to refuse spending of any kind, one thing is clear... federal partners … Continue Reading ››

Houston METRO Opens New Rail Lines, New Possibilities

It's been a long time coming, but Houston METRO finally reached the big day.  Dug Begley of the Houston Chronicle has the scoop...
After years of construction and months of testing, riders began boarding Green Line trains headed from downtown east along Harrisburg and Purple Line trains toward the University of Houston and Palm Center Transit … Continue Reading ››