Happy December everyone! The Texas Progressive Alliance is stocked up on leftovers as it brings you this week’s roundup.
Off the Kuff notes that the odds are in favor of at least a couple of Democratic Congressional pickups in Texas.
SocraticGadfly takes a look at Cooperstown this week with a trio of posts. First he offers his thoughts on the new Hall of Fame ballot, with who he thinks will make it, should make it, and should not make it. Second, he salutes Joe Morgan’s comments on steroids users. And third, he offers his thoughts on the Hall of Fame Veterans Committee ballot.
With Gene Green’s retirement, Congressional District 29 has an opportunity to move left. How far to the left is the question, and PDiddie at Brains and Eggs has an answer.
And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.
The Rivard Report offers some tips on avoiding cybercrime.
The TSTA Blog wants us to stop taking educators’ votes for granted.
Scott Braddock ponders Greg Abbott’s attack on Sarah Davis.
Nonsequiteuse says the way to fight gentrification is to buy local.
Juanita has the bumper stickers you’re looking for.
The Lunch Tray has some suggestions for helping kids in need.