Jorge Ramos Shines Light on Immigration Issues

But first, two definitions….

Civil disobedience is the active, professed refusal to obey certain laws, demands, and commands of a government, or of an occupying international power.

Civil discourse is engagement in discourse (conversation) intended to enhance understanding.

It’s important to understand these two terms… both the differences and similarities among them.  And the fact that sometimes, an encounter can have elements of both.

Such is the case for recent encounter between veteran bilingual journalist Jorge Ramos and 2016 Presidential hopeful Donald Trump.  Here’s a recap via Fusion TV…

For Mr. Trump and his accompanying echo chambers, Ramos’ actions were “absolutely out of line“.  Which I guess means we’re to assume that Trump’s full-scale Twitter attack against Fox News reporter Megyn Kelly is somehow acceptable and appropriate??

But let’s be clear about what happened.  Whether you consider Ramos’ actions to be more in the civil discourse camp, or the civil disobedience camp, that doesn’t change the fact that the reporter achieved his desired result.  In front of the national news media, he was successfully able to not only press Trump on Immigration, but also put the issue at the forefront of America’s political discussion once again.  He did so in the highest form of civil discourse… journalism.

The confrontation was similar to recent tactics employed by the Black Lives Matter movement and the DREAM Action Coalition. Individuals in these organizations may not be as well known as Ramos, but when given the opportunity, they have successfully brought their issues of concern to light, and in many cases, achieved important progress.

In November 2016 and the whole process leading up to it, Americans are being asked to make one of the most important decisions that we will ever make.  In the course of making that decision, all Americans have the right to question those seeking the office, and engage in civil discourse around issues that concern our lives.  Jorge Ramos was not out of line with Donald Trump… he was doing his job and representing the concerns of millions of Americans who want answers to those very questions.  Just as he has done with President Obama at many points in his Presidency, Speaker of the House John Boehner and even Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton, Ramos continues to press Federal leaders on why they  have not yet achieved comprehensive Immigration Reform after years of promises to do so from both Democrats and Republicans.

After decades in the supposedly cut-throat world of big business, Mr. Trump sure seems to have difficulty with some of the most basic levels of civil discourse.  Jorge Ramos deserves high commendation for staying committed to the cause, and for being consistent with candidates of various political stripes.  The current Republican front-runner can say all he wants about the “temporary inconvenience” caused to his campaign.

But here’s a newsflash for Donald Trump… the truth ain’t always convenient.

Dos Centavos has more.


Jorge Ramos

Photo credit:  CNN Money

TLCQ 2015: Moe Rivera

In the Third installment of the 2015 Texas Leftist Candidate Questionnaire, we hear from Moe Rivera, candidate for Houston City Council, At Large position 2.

Please note: Responses are directly from the candidate, and have been posted ver batim from the email received. This is done out of fairness to all candidates. Publishing these responses does not constitute an endorsement, but may be considered during the endorsement process.


TL:  What is your name, as it will appear on the ballot?

MR:  Moe Rivera


 TL:  Are you a current or former elected official? If so what office(s)?

MR:  Negative, this is the second time I have run for office.


 TL:  As a political candidate, you clearly care about what happens in certain levels of government. In your own words, why is government important?

MR:  Government is extremely important since it represents it’s  citizens and has the power to enact  and enforce laws.  Government is necessary to manage its people’s affairs, offers rights and protection and certain services without City chaos would exist. We need to elect officials that look out for everyone’s interest.


 TL:  If elected, what is your top priority in office for the upcoming term? Describe how you plan to accomplish it.

MR:  Promote a balanced budget and insure that expenses do not exceed its collected revenue (Tax, services and other revenues). I plan to do this by influencing other members of Council of our responsibility not to be in debt.  I plan to offer solutions to the city pension issue by offering the 777 contributory plan.  I will only approve responsible and reputable construction projects and service contracts that will not over burden our citizens or debt structure.


 TL:  After decades of deferred maintenance and neglect, Houston’s infrastructure is in a critical state of disrepair. Ask any driver, cyclist or pedestrian, and they can readily tell you that city streets and sidewalks are crumbling… some to the extent that they pose significant danger to those that would traverse them. The Parker Administration has attempted to address the problem by the voter-approved ReBuild Houstonprogram. Knowing that the next Mayor has no choice but to invest in city infrastructure, do you support the continuation of ReBuild Houston?  If yes, please explain why.  If no, please explain how you would address our copious infrastructure needs differently.  

MR:  Rebuild Houston plan prioritizes worst first let’s continue since the administration has promised certain neighborhoods that are next in line the allocation of those funds and it would be unfair to start over again.


 TL:  At present the city of Houston has one of the strongest forms of “strong-Mayor governance” in the state of Texas, to the point that the Mayor alone decides what business comes before City Council. If elected, would you support an amendment to the City Charter that would allow any coalition of 6 Council Members to place items on the Council Agenda without prior approval from the Mayor? Whether yes or no, please explain your answer.

MR:  Agree with coalition of six Council Members to place Council agenda without prior consent from the Mayor. This way we place the interests of all districts rather than the next mayor’s home district.


TL:  If elected, would you support and seek to continue the current administration’s Complete Streets policy, which establishes that any new or significant re-build of city streets will work to prioritize and incorporate safe access for all road users, including pedestrians, persons with disabilities and cyclists?  

MR:  Agree we owe it to disabled citizens and cyclists.


 TL:  What makes you the best candidate for this office?

MR:  Education; I have three degrees, Trilingual, I have lived here in Houston since 1984 and have a feel for its needs and have a passion to serve this city.


 TL:  When not on the campaign trail, how do you like to spend your free time?

MR:  Free time is spent exercising (biking, swimming, racquetball playing) assisting church, family events and attending local sports events.


Thanks to Mr. Rivera for the responses.

Moe Rivera