Could Legal Marijuana Soon Come to Texas?

After years of misguided state drug policies, it appears that some lawmakers at the Capitol have finally begun to "see the light" on Marijuana.  Here's more from Kevin Reece of KHOU News Houston ...
Calling it "a gift from God", a Republican state lawmaker has introduced a bill to completely legalize marijuana possession and marijuana … Continue Reading ››

Texas Wins: Business Leaders Push Back Against Discrimination Efforts

With historic progress now being made toward the goal of marriage equality in the state of Texas, new initiatives are ready to take on a much larger, more complex fight. The new campaign, called Texas Wins, is focused on stemming the tide of Anti-Equality populism that has taken over many state legislatures across the country. … Continue Reading ››

Texoblogosphere: Week of March 9th

The Texas Progressive Alliance is all about springing forward as it brings you this week's roundup. Off the Kuff sadly reminds a fifth-generation Republican who doesn't want to lose her Obamacare insurance subsidies that Greg Abbott doesn't care about her at all. Libby Shaw writing for Texas Kaos and contributing to Daily KosContinue Reading ››

Running: Stephen Costello Declares For Mayor

With three successful citywide elections under his belt and a prominent position on Houston City Council, Stephen Costello is already a major force in Texas politics.  But today the At-Large Council Member has taken a step towards even greater prominence, formally announcing his candidacy for Mayor of Houston. Here's more information via campaign press … Continue Reading ››

Could Texas Legislature End Daylight Saving Time??

It's the first Monday after people across the state lost an hour of sleep due to Daylight Saving Time.  And although most have general discontent over the situation, one small and prominent group of Texans seem to have had enough.  Movement is building rapidly within the state Legislature to end the practice of Daylight Saving … Continue Reading ››

GOP Leaders File Amicus Brief Supporting Marriage Equality

In what can only be interpreted as a visible sign of progress, several prominent Republicans have filed an Amicus Brief to the Supreme Court stating that they support marriage equality for the whole United States. Here's the story from Time magazine...
More than 300 veteran Republican lawmakers, operatives and consultants have filed a friend of the … Continue Reading ››

State Senate: ‘We’re Holding Texas Medicaid For Ransom’

Despite overwhelming cries from across the state, the Texas Senate has once again ignored all common-sense on Medicaid.  Instead of taking critical dollars that Texans are already paying for under the ACA, Austin lawmakers would rather make threats to cut the existing program, unless the Obama Administration meets a plethora of demands.  Here's the story … Continue Reading ››