Rock The Vote’s Turn Out For WHAT

Wait, let me check the calendar again.  This really is a mid-term election year, right??

If you’re just as confused as I am, then you are not alone.  There seems to be a quiet, but interesting tide turning ahead of November 4th.  Texans have seen it first hand through the incredible energy of groups like Battleground Texas, even if the state’s major news outlets are still completely clueless as to what’s going on.

But the massive GOTV efforts extend far beyond the Lone Star State. This election may not have Presidential candidates, but some believe that it could mean more to the future of the country than any so far this century.  Congressional gridlock has ground the Federal Government to a halt, and people are starting to notice.  Events like the killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri have reminded that community just how much their vote really matters, and caused the rest of the nation to take notice as well.  The signs are becoming clear… 2014 could be very different from the last mid-term election.

With all of this action, perennial GOTV masters Rock The Vote are once again leading the movement to social consciousness, with some help from Pimp Cup Connoisseur Lil’ John and Girls-tastic Lena Dunham.  The video Turn Out For What is pretty funny  and sure to be a viral sensation, but hidden in the entertainment is a very real question… what are you turning out for??

Check it out below.  You also can tweet with hashtag #TurnOutForWhat on Facebook and Twitter to show what issues you care about most.  Everyone has a voice this election year.  Let’s hope that more people use it!



Texoblogosphere: Week of October 6th

The Texas Progressive Alliance implores you to get a flu shot since the flu is a much bigger threat than ebola as it brings you this week’s roundup.

Off the Kuff began his series of interviews with statewide candidates by talking to Sam Houston, the Democratic candidate for Attorney General.

Libby Shaw writing for Texas Kaos and at Daily Kos is very pleased that Wendy Davis rightfully hammered Greg Abbott for the culture of corruption that pervades Austin. TX Davis hammers Abbott on Austin’s pervasive culture of corruption.

From WCNews at Eye on Williamson. The question remains, is something like the Texas Enterprise Fund scandal enough to get voters to change their mind about Greg Abbott and the GOP? If not then what would it take?

William Rivers Pitt wrote “an open letter to his Democratic spammer“. PDiddie at Brains and Eggs commiserates.

Neil at All People Have Value wrote an art review of the fish cleaning station at the Texas City Dike. APHV is one of many pages worthy of review at


And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.

Scott Braddock shows the evidence of who’s behind some recent wingnut-on-wingnut violence. Be sure your popcorn popper is in good order, this one looks like a gift that will keep on giving.

Lone Star Q is happy to report that Dallas City Council has voted week to ban discrimination against transgender city employees.

The Lunch Tray took a stand for citizen journalism.

Hair Balls explains what pot has to do with the Harris County DA race this year.

Char Miller eulogizes his colleague John Donahue, a “gracious force for good” in San Antonio.

Nancy Sims posits her grand unification theory of Houston Mayoral elections.

The Texas Election Law Blog assesses the GAO report on how long it took to vote in 2012.

Texas Wtach wants you to understand the impact of the Texas law that shields the medical industry from accountability.

BOR points to HD94 as a below-the-radar race to watch.

Nonsequiteuse connects the dots from racing for the cure to racing for Governor.


(Featured image is the Harrison County Courthouse in Marshall, Texas.  Photo credit:  Lone Star Historian)