Tag Archives: turn texas blue

Texoblogosphere: Week of November 12th

The Texas Progressive Alliance celebrates last week's wins and looks to build on them as it brings you this week's roundup. Off the Kuff has some fun with the Harris County Republican Party and its ridiculous whining about straight ticket voting. SocraticGadfly had a three-part election wrap. First, he looked at general hot … Continue Reading ››

Texas-Sized Leap: Voter Registration Approaches Presidential Year Levels, BUT…

We've said it before on this blog, but Texas is *not* a 'Red State'. Its a Non-Voting State. If even a simple majority percentage of eligible voters in the Lone Star State actually decided to show up and vote, the political structure of Texas would look very different than it does today.  At least, that’s the theory. So … Continue Reading ››

Run ’18: Texas Democrats Prepare For Most Active Primary Election in Decades

Do you hear it?? Off in the distance, there's a big blue stampede starting in Texas.  If you can't hear it yet, just wait until February and March. For years now, Texas Democrats have been trapped in something of an electoral feedback loop.  Save for a few gerrymandered districts, the party has been unable to gain … Continue Reading ››

Davis Hits Abbott With Controversial New Ad, Addressing “Wheelchair”

Like a lightning bolt, the Wendy Davis campaign released a new ad that struck the state of Texas faster than any tornado, hurricane or haboob.  Here's what everyone is talking about, along with some immediate coverage from the Huffington Post... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lush7TZB860
The campaign of state Senator and Texas gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis (D) on Friday rushed … Continue Reading ››

Operation Think Swing Texas: 2014 Update

This is a repost from the original Operation Think Swing Texas, published on July 21st, 2012.  
As Emily Cadik noted in a recent Burnt Orange Report article, Texas doesn't vote. For the 2010 mid-term elections, the state of Texas had voter turnout of 36.1 percent... dead last in the nation. 2008 was better at … Continue Reading ››

Texas Debate Week

For political people in Texas, this is a very big week, perhaps the most important week of the 2014 election season. But for Texas Democrats, this is a week that many haven't seen for the better part of a decade.  The strongest Democratic ticket in 20 years have in back-to-back contests  with their Republican opponents. Tonight at … Continue Reading ››

TLCQ 2014: Leticia Van de Putte

In the Ninth installment of the 2014 Texas Leftist Candidate Questionnaire, we hear from Leticia Van de Putte, Texas State Senator and candidate for Lieutenant Governor.  She is a Democrat. Please note: Responses have been received directly from the candidate, and have been posted ver batim from the email received. This is done out of … Continue Reading ››