Tag Archives: San Antonio

Final Bow?? San Antonio Symphony To Suspend Operations Next Week

Since the 1880s, the citizens of San Antonio and South Texas have demonstrated their love and appreciation for classical, symphonic music.  And since 1939, those artistic endeavors have culminated in the San Antonio Symphony.  But after months of uncertainty and painful negotiations, residents of the Alamo City are receiving some heartbreaking news today.  From Nicholas Frank of The Rivard Report, here’s the story…

The Symphony Society of San Antonio said late Wednesday it would cancel the remaining portion of the San Antonio Symphony’s 2017-18 season following this weekend’s Tricentennial Celebration concerts, set for Friday and Saturday.

The failure to resolve management issues and complete negotiations with the musicians’ union means that nearly two-thirds of the symphony’s season – more than four dozen concerts, by a count of performances on its website – will not occur. The orchestra’s current calendar lists performances through June 10.

“[Twenty] weeks of work in a 30-week season have just been wiped out of existence. This is only week 10,” Craig Sorgi, negotiating chair for the Musicians of the San Antonio Symphony, wrote in a text to the Rivard Report. 

Another big thanks to The Rivard Report, whose coverage of this situation has been invaluable to local and statewide readers.

Though Symphony leaders pledge that the suspension of this season does not signal the end of the San Antonio Symphony, it’s hard to imagine what their future looks like at this point.

Sadly, tragedies like this one are nothing new.  Orchestras and other arts organizations across the country have struggled to stay open, with many that have yet to fully recover from severe financial crisis of 2008.  As patrons from the older generation fades, the Arts world continues to seek new sources of revenue.  But at the end of the day, those efforts may not be enough.

If there is an alternative resolution, let’s hope San Antonio can find it soon.

And a reminder… PLEASE support your local Arts organizations!!  We need them to not only survive, but to thrive!!


Texoblogosphere: Week of September 21st

The Texas Progressive Alliance wishes everyone a happy and balanced equinox as it brings you this week’s roundup.

Off the Kuff stands with Ahmed.

Socratic Gadfly turns a bit of a skeptical eye to European panic over the “refugee crisis” and provides some critical analysis of how it’s being handled.

Libby Shaw at Texas Kaos and contributing to Daily Kos tried her very best to watch the second GOP Presidential debate but she just couldn’t take it anymore. She hung in there for two hours and twenty minutes. GOP Presidential Debate: A Trip Back to the Twilight Zone

Tired of watching Bernie Sanders surge, Clinton surrogates grabbed the ‘socialist’ brush and started smearing him. PDiddie at Brains and Eggs is pretty certain that this is how it’s going to go until the Sanders campaign no longer represents a threat to her coronation nomination.

From WCNews at Eye on Williamson. It’s becoming clear that the GOP in Texas has no problem with the cuts to Medicaid therapy. They just don’t want to be blamed for it, Abbott, GOP Want Cuts, But No Blame.

Neil at All People Have Value said that Alexander Hamilton should remain on the $10 bill. APHV is part of NeilAquino.com.


And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.

The TSTA Blog salutes education reporter Terrence Stutz on his retirement.

Paradise in Hell annotates Donald Trump’s Texas speech, and celebrates its first year of blogging.

Texas Clean Air Matters explains why parents should care about climate change.

David Ortez reports from a Houston Mayoral forum on issues facing younger voters.

Danyahel Norris illustrates the importance of Houston’s equal rights ordinance.

Finally, the TPA congratulates Lize Burr on her new positions as Editor and Publisher of the Burnt Orange Report.



Today’s feature photo is of the Ballet Folklorico del Cielo performing in a parade at Ft. Sam Houston in San Antonio, Texas.  Photo credit:  Esther Garcia.  

Alamo, San Antonio Missions Become 1st World Heritage Site in Texas

Last week was an big one for the city of San Antonio, and for Texas History.  Already of special importance to the Lone Star State, the Alamo and the original San Antonio missions have all been designated as official UNESCO World Heritage sites.  They are the first such landmarks to earn that designation in the state of Texas, and only the 23rd site in the United States of America.

Here’s more from Vincent T. Davis of the San Antonio Express-News

Hundreds of people visited San Antonio’s five missions Monday, a day after an international panel of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization designated them a World Heritage Site, the 23rd in the United States.


The site includes the state-owned Alamo complex and four federally run missions — San José, Concepción, San Juan and Espada — and a ranch near Floresville.

Though many Texans have been concerned about previous wranglings over how to care for the site and guide it’s future, those issues have also seen progress.  A bill to preserve and protect the Alamo was approved by the legislature and signed into law by Governor Greg Abbott last month.

The new designation is expected to encourage even more tourism interest and visitation of the sites, and was celebrated by city and county leaders.  Well, except for a small group of protesters that somehow think the UN is trying to stage a takeover.

But besides the factually-inept, this is truly a great thing for the city of San Antonio, and all of Texas.  We can truly say that the entire world Remembers the Alamo.

THE Alamo

(photo credit:  D.Boone/Corbis at Brittanica Kids


San Antonio’s Interim Mayor To Run for Full Term

San Antonio Mayor Ivy R. Taylor is really liking her new job.  So much so, that she wants to keep it.  The Interim Mayor despite being appointed last July in part because she promised not to seek the position, has had a change of mind.  Here’s more from Josh Baugh of the San Antonio Express-News

Mayor Ivy Taylor declared her candidacy for mayor Monday in an exclusive interview with the San Antonio Express-News.

Taylor, who was appointed mayor last summer by her council colleagues, said that she made the decision after significant thought and prayer and consultation with trusted advisers.

The mayor said she’s been “honored and excited, humbled” by leading the seventh-largest city in the U.S. since her July appointment.

“I’ve enjoyed the opportunity to be able to make an impact here,” she said. “And just after really thinking about it further, I realize how important that experience is that I have to bring to the table, that municipal-level experience.”


With less than three months until Election Day, she joins an already-crowded field of candidates.

That field includes former state Rep. Mike Villarreal, who has been campaigning since last summer; state Sen. Leticia Van de Putte, who entered the race in November after losing her bid for lieutenant governor; and former Bexar County Commissioner Tommy Adkisson, who gave up his county seat to challenge Bexar County Judge Nelson Wolff in the 2014 Democratic primary.

The Mayor’s flip-flop in position may be offensive to some, but it’s far from unique for this race and unlikely to do any damage to her candidacy.  Former State Senator Leticia Van de Putte also originally stated that she would not run for Mayor during her campaign for Lieutenant Governor.

However Taylor’s opposition to the 2013 Non-Discrimination Ordinance could prove troublesome, in particular the comment she made stating that the struggles of the LGBT community “aren’t a Civil Rights issue.”  Given the strong positions of both Villarreal and Van de Putte with the Pro-Equality community, Taylor’s anti-LGBT sentiment could come back to haunt her in the Mayor’s race.  And for Equality advocates, now is the time to press Taylor and see if her views have also evolved on this subject.

With this newest entrant into the contest to lead Texas’ 2nd-largest city, equality has found its way back into the spotlight.  More to come on this.

Ivy Taylor 2

(Photo credit:  San Antonio Airport promotional video)


Texoblogosphere: Week of October 28th

The Texas Progressive Alliance says VOTE VOTE VOTE as it brings you this week’s roundup.

Off the Kuff published an index to all his interviews and judicial Q&As for the 2014 cycle.

Libby Shaw writing for Texas Kaos and Daily Kos is not going to be quiet about the blatantly discriminatory Voter Photo ID poll tax law. Texas Voter Photo ID Law Disenfranchises 600,000 to 744,980 American citizens.

From WCNews at Eye on Williamson. Proposition 1 will do little if anything to address the neglect of the last 20 plus years. Is it worth voting for? Probably not, but it’s likely to pass anyway. Proposition 1 – The Least They Could Do.

A very powerful statute designed to short-circuit the anti-First Amendment SLAPP suits filed in Texas is explained in this post at PDiddie’s Brains and Eggs.

CouldBeTrue of South Texas Chisme urges you to vote and support not only women’s health, but the health care for all Texans.

Neil at All People Have Value offered his 2014 ballot for elections in Texas and Harris County. APHV is one of many interesting pages to see at NeilAquino.com.


And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.

BOR offers endorsements in the Austin City Council races.

Hair Balls profiles the outside agitators that are fighting to repeal the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance.

Texans for Public Justice documents just how much the payday lenders love Greg Abbott.

Lone Star Q rounds up Texas candidate endorsements by LGBT groups around the state.

The Texas Election Law Blog makes a valiant effort to calculate the administrative cost of voter ID in Texas.

Robert Rivard wants to know why you’re not voting.

Texas Clean Air Matters calls out the Heartland Institute for misinformation about wind energy.

Nancy Sims explains how voter ID disenfranchised her (straight-GOP-ticket-voting) father.

Mary Flood urges everyone to make informed votes for judicial candidates.


Today’s feature photo is the Mission San José y San Miguel de Aguayo in San Antonio, Texas, a national historic site and of major importance to Texas history.  Find out more by visiting San Antonio Missions National Historical Park.

Remember Sussudio: Phil Collins Donates Alamo Treasures To Texas

What do a legendary British pop singer and over 26 million proud Lone Star State dwellers have in common?  A deep love of a defining moment in Texas History. From the Houston Chronicle (via the AP), check out what happened this week in San– San Antonio!

SAN ANTONIO (AP) — Remember the Alamo? Phil Collins sure does.

The British 1980s music icon was at the 1836 Battle of the Alamo and Texas Revolutionary shrine in downtown San Antonio on Thursday, announcing the donation of his collection of related artifacts — one so vast it’s considered the world’s largest such private collection.

Collins, the 63-year-old Genesis singer-drummer, joked he’d spent “all the money that I made from music” on 200-plus pieces related to the battle where 1,500 Mexican troops laid siege to 200 Texans. He said he wanted to ensure the collection was better cared-for in the future.

“Some people would buy Ferraris, some people would buy houses, I bought old bits of metal and old bits of paper,” Collins said. “It’s at my home, in my basement in Switzerland. I look at it every day, but no one else was enjoying it.”

Collins has been an Alamo aficionado since growing up in London and watching actor Fess Parker portray Davy Crockett in a 1950s Disney miniseries.

“I’ve had a love affair with this place since I was about 5 years old,” said Collins, who sweated in a button-down shirt and spectacles before a cheering crowd of dignitaries and tourists who gathered in front of the Alamo for the occasion. “It was something that I used to go and play in the garden with my soldiers.”

Collins said his favorite artifact was also his first, purchased for him in the 1990s by his then-wife: a receipt for the sale of the saddle of John W. Smith, an Alamo messenger who rode through Mexican lines and pleaded for reinforcements before the battle.

The collection also includes a rifle owned by Crockett, his leather shot pouch and a pair of powder horns Crockett is believed to have given to a Mexican officer before his death — as well as muskets and musket balls that belonged to Mexican soldiers.

It’s not everyday that that someone so devoted to a cause gives a lifetime’s work of collection and acquisition back to the people.  Equally amazing is the reminder at just how profound and special Texas history truly is… this extraordinary state has fans all over the globe, whether they are from here or not.

The Alamo site is beloved by most all Texans, and Collins’ extraordinary gift this week should serve as a clarion call for us to once again “Remember the Alamo” and establish a firm plan for its future.  Recent debates about how to improve the historical site have become quite heated in its home city.  Some want to restore the site to its original 1836 landscape, which is hard to do in the epicenter of the 7th most populous city in the United States.  Either way, it’s a debate worth having, and hopefully Texans can come to an agreement soon.  As we move farther in time from the fateful, the Alamo’s significance as a world treasure will only continue to grow.

Music Musings: Sebastien De La Cruz’s National Anthem

As a singer, I can confess that it’s an honor to sing the National Anthem at any public event. But imagine having to get up and sing on camera, at the NBA Finals in front of Tens of Millions of viewers? The pressure of that situation is enough most adult professional singers, much less anyone born in the 21st century. But 11 year-old Sebastien De La Cruz not only sang the song, he did it about as well as anyone has ever heard… twice in one week. No wonder he’s been given the name El Charro de Oro.

Despite some idiotic racist tweets after his first, little Sebastien was asked back by the Spurs to again take the international spotlight, and once again he gave the crowd a slam dunk.

For those that see fit to pick on an 11-yr old is disgraceful. But here’s the missing part of the story… the hatred is simply a cover-up for fear. Kids like Sebastien are the new face of America, as we become a more diverse, less Anglo nation. Hopefully the hate will die away, and more people can learn to accept, even embrace the changing US population. Either way, it’s going to happen. As for Sebastien’s response to all the hateful tweets??

Another slam dunk. I’ll be looking for more from this talented young Texan!!