Tag Archives: Obamacare

That Ole Time Division: Ideological Battle Threatens GOP

In 2017, everything's coming up roses for the Republican Party. Fresh off the heels of a sweeping Electoral victory, the GOP has taken control and is working feverishly to Make America GREAT Again. At least that's what they thought they would be doing back on November 8th.  But now that post election reality has set in, … Continue Reading ››

Arkansas: ACA ‘Private Option’ Still In Jeopardy

In 2013 Arkansas lawmakers made a solemn promise to the state's people. They crafted a landmark compromise to cooperate with the Affordable Care Act, and bring life-saving healthcare options to hundreds of thousands of Arkansans. What resulted was Arkansas' Private Option... a deal that that uses ACA money originally meant to expand Medicaid, … Continue Reading ››

Shutdown? Blame the GOP

As many readers know, Texas Leftist is in the midst of a very interesting interview process. I have submitted Candidate Questionnaires (on here as the TLCQ) to candidates on Houston's November ballot. Thankfully, the process is going well, and I must say it's quite fascinating to read the myriad of answers given … Continue Reading ››

George P. Bush Wants to Defund Obamacare

Though his candidacy for Texas Land Commisssioner technically started in July, George P. Bush actually started running for the office this week by offering his first set of firm opinions. From Grommer Jeffers Jr. of the Dallas Morning News, here's the heir apparent finally speaking in something other than broad, non-committal platitudes...
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Paul Ryan not giving up on destroying health care

His words, not mine.

Fantastic catch by the Daily Kos. Hey you have to give Congressman Ryan a little credit for throwing a tinge of honesty into this morning's budget bluster...

"This to us is something that we're not … Continue Reading ››

Path to Austerity: The GOP Fantasy Budget

In the face of many storms we've weathered, a few aspects of the American experience have remained stalwart... death, taxes and Michelle Bachmann's uncanny ability to be void of all logic and reason. These principles were sure, and come hell or high water, we could turn to them for stability.

But that third … Continue Reading ››

Mitt Romney’s next role: Health Care Advocate??

Though he may have tried to run from his record during the campaign, Mr. Romney does have a well-known, well-documented public record... he served four years as Governor of Massachusetts. And during that time, his single greatest legislative achievement was the passage of of universal health care reform.

As crazy … Continue Reading ››