Tag Archives: Arkansas Private Option

Arkansas Sees Huge ACA Benefits, Texas Pays

Texas' neighbor to the Northeast has seen some big benefits from the Affordable Care Act, and more specifically the state's uniquely crafted Private Option Expansion.  Here's the story from Andy Davis of the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette...
Arkansas had a bigger drop this year in the percentage of its adult residents who lack insurance than any other … Continue Reading ››

Texoblogosphere: Week of March 3rd

The Texas Progressive Alliance is delighted to see marriage equality take another big step forward as we bring you this week's roundup.

Off the Kuff examines the past performance of UT/Texas Trib polls in statewide Demorcatic primaries and finds it wanting.

As the Uber rideshare program (and … Continue Reading ››

Arkansas: ACA ‘Private Option’ Still In Jeopardy

In 2013 Arkansas lawmakers made a solemn promise to the state's people. They crafted a landmark compromise to cooperate with the Affordable Care Act, and bring life-saving healthcare options to hundreds of thousands of Arkansans. What resulted was Arkansas' Private Option... a deal that that uses ACA money originally meant to expand Medicaid, … Continue Reading ››