Tag Archives: GOP Bullying


Here are links to the full series of The ABCs of the GOP…

A is for Austerity — Jobs in the Private Sector have slowly recovered, but the public sector keeps getting slashed thanks to state and local budget crunches.

B is for Bullying — How Republicans used and abused the Filibuster to cause ultimate Senate gridlock.

C is for Convoluted — The twisting, turning record of Congressional Republicans, and of Mitt Romney

D is for Distraction — How the GOP uses issues like the debt and Contraception to distract voters and control their base.

E is for Extinction — Using Texas as “Exhibit A” shows that the Republican Party’s base is rapidly declining.

F is for Fear — Why the GOP has to work so hard to portray Obama is a foriegn, socialist “other” even when it means voting against their own positions.

G is for Game Plan — How the GOP used a carefully crafted message of fear and hate to make huge gains in the 2010 elections (“Fire Pelosi”).

H is for Hysteria — The party’s inner war with Ron Paul and his supporters.

I is for Illusion — How the GOP manipulates illusions of outrage to get what they want.

J is for Jaded — Why Republicans still can’t except Mitt Romney as their nominee.

K is for Karma — How the GOP’s two-faced positions may come back to haunt them, and Romney spirited defense of OBAMACARE.

L is for Lying — Sure, politicians from both parties lie. But here’s why some of the GOP lies are much more dangerous than Democrats.

M is for Marginalization — How the GOP continues to hasten its route to extinction by shutting out future leaders.

N is for Negligence — How the Romney campaign just can’t seem to get rid of it’s systemic mishaps.

O is for Obligation — Republicans are spending so much time trying to defeat the President, they have let our country fall into disrepair.

P is for Partisanship — simply put, the Republican party in its current state is incapable of governing the country, and why they should be thankful that the President won re-election in 2012.

Q is for Quagmire— After the election, the GOP is now forced with the impossible task of either striking a fiscal deal with Obama on his terms, or letting the Bush Tax Cuts expire. If they choose the latter, anything they pass in 2013 would officially be the “Obama Tax Cuts” and the Republican Party risks losing the signature issue of lower taxes for generations to come.