Creating Change 2014 in Houston

It's sufficient to say that Houston is full of surprises. In recent past, it shocked the rest of the United States by becoming the largest American city to elect an openly gay mayor, and of course we've gone on to reelect her twice now. This event put the Texas city on the "national … Continue Reading ››

Texoblogosphere: week of January 20th

The Texas Progressive Alliance thinks that if same sex marriage is OK for Utah and Oklahoma it's OK for our state too as it brings you this week's roundup.

Off the Kuff interviews Kim Ogg, candidate for Harris County District Attorney, and Steve Brown, candidate for Texas Railroad Commission. … Continue Reading ››

2014: New Year, Old Challenges for ACA

Though the tormented roll-out of the Affordable Care Act is still fresh on the minds of most Americans, it's important to note that the dark days of Obamacare are most likely over. The website is now working fairly smoothly, and people are finding that they are able to access healthcare coverage easier than ever … Continue Reading ››

Music Musings: DJ Cassidy’s Paradise Royale

Is 2014 the year that Disco makes a huge comeback??

If DJ Cassidy has anything to do with it, the answer is a resounding yes.

Cassidy's upcoming album, titled Paradise Royale and expected to be released this spring, … Continue Reading ››

Guest Post: “The debate”

By Fred-Allen Self.

You know, I keep reading things on the "debate" over same-sex marriage and the more I read, the more I feel like people are simply missing the point... on both sides sometimes. What do I mean by that? Well, I'm glad you asked. What I mean … Continue Reading ››

Houston Police Profile, Detain Innocent Man (Again)

How many times is this going to happen before there are some changes at HPD??


Police in Houston, Texas handcuffed, detained and searched the vehicle of an innocent man for over an hour this week, all because he gave change to a homeless person. … Continue Reading ››

Annise Parker, Partner Wed in California!!

Houston Mayor Annise Parker has already had a big start to 2014. She was newly inaugurated to her third and final term on January 2nd, and has hit the ground running with a new City Council in place. The local economy is in full swing, and everyone around the nation … Continue Reading ››

A Voice for the Rest of Texas