Houston GLBT Caucus Calls Out Council on NDO

In contemporary times, it's difficult to win any election without endorsements. Short of spending a fortune on TV ads, they are often the best way to get a candidate's name out to the voters. But as any candidate is well aware, endorsements typically have to be earned through a record of service and … Continue Reading ››

In Lt. Governor’s Race, It’s Time for Leticia

As the 2014 campaign season begins to pick up steam, it's becoming clear which candidates hold the momentum. Some are fully engaged in general election fights, like Democrat Wendy Davis and Republican Greg Abbott in the Governors' race, while others like Dan Patrick and David Dewhurst are forced to vie for the GOP nomination in … Continue Reading ››

Abbott, Davis Parlay Over Pre-K

Some very revealing plans for Pre-K came out of the Abbott campaign. Here's the low-down from the Texas Tribune, including Wendy Davis' response...

Announcing the first of his education policy proposals Monday, Republican gubernatorial candidate Greg Abbott called for reforming pre-kindergarten programs before expanding access, saying that additional funding should … Continue Reading ››

Texoblogosphere: Week of March 31st

The Texas Progressive Alliance is glad that so many people will be getting health insurance even if that number should have been much higher as it brings you this week's roundup.

Off the Kuff pushes back on some happy talk about the voter ID law.

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Houston Non-Discrimination Ordiance: Updates

Perhaps better than any of her predecessors, Houston Mayor Annise Parker knows that discrimination is a real issue for the LGBT community. She was a Past President of the Houston GLBT Political Caucus, and her activism is remembered from civic protests to consultation in the landmark Lawrence V. Texas case. And of … Continue Reading ››

Zipcar Zooms Into Houston

Houstonians have a new transportation option.

Zipcar, the very popular car-sharing service, has entered the Houston market. Here's more from the company press release...

BOSTON and HOUSTON, March 26, 2014 Beginning today, 25 Zipcars are available by the hour or by the day for residents, … Continue Reading ››

TexWatch 2014: Forcing the Issues

As was stated in an earlier post, Texas Democrats are facing some rather long odds to win statewide in this election cycle. Most of this has to do with the long shadow cast by 2 decades of losses for the statewide party. To put it simply, Texas Democrats have to start our … Continue Reading ››

A Voice for the Rest of Texas