So this is how it normally goes in Texas Politics... Republican candidates will run for office, and throughout the campaign they will do a bunch of stupid, even atrocious things which are virtually ignored by the media, and then finally sail into elected office in November. Meanwhile the few brave Democrats that were willing to … Continue Reading ››
In a marathon meeting that beat out the recent HERO fest (but not by much), Houston City Council passed $5.2 Billion dollar budget for the city's next fiscal year It got done, but few would call it an easy process. Here's more from Mike Morris of the Houston Chronicle...
Hundreds of years ago, as European society awoke from the Dark Ages and launched into a period of unprecedented creativity, they formulated an ideal that we carry strongly with us today. A Renaissance Man was someone who could seemingly do and exceed at anything they tried. In the style of scientist, painter, sculptor and philosopher … Continue Reading ››
he Texas Progressive Alliance thinks it's the Republican Party of Texas' platform writers that need some therapy as it brings you this week's roundup.
Off the Kuff emphatically reminds us that Greg Abbott owns the RPT platform, no matter how much he may try to avoid the subject.
Libby Shaw at Texas Kaos asks … Continue Reading ››
Most everyone in the United States of America understands the concept of a blended family... A couple gets married, and each member of the couple already has child. In order to become a more cohesive family, that couple may cross adopt each other's children. Given all the legal complexities associated with raising a child, this … Continue Reading ››
After the stunning primary defeat of House Majority Leader Eric Cantor last week, there is definitely some "Fear and Loathing in Wash-Vegas" for the Republican Party. Many great minds around the United States are trying to figure out one central question...
1) Why did Cantor lose?
Pretty basic stuff here, and it comes up after every election with … Continue Reading ››
For those engaged in the fight for LGBT protections in the workplace, the White House revealed some very big news today. Here's the story from the Washington Post...
President Obama will sign an executive order prohibiting federal contractors from discriminating against gays, lesbians and others on the basis of their sexual orientation – an election-year … Continue Reading ››