Paul Ryan not giving up on destroying health care

His words, not mine.

Fantastic catch by the Daily Kos. Hey you have to give Congressman Ryan a little credit for throwing a tinge of honesty into this morning's budget bluster...

"This to us is something that we're not … Continue Reading ››

Path to Austerity: The GOP Fantasy Budget

In the face of many storms we've weathered, a few aspects of the American experience have remained stalwart... death, taxes and Michelle Bachmann's uncanny ability to be void of all logic and reason. These principles were sure, and come hell or high water, we could turn to them for stability.

But that third … Continue Reading ››

HuffPost Live discussion: Newsom’s New Cities

Besides the blog and an active Twitter account, I am also an avid consumer (and fan) of HuffPost Live, a new media experience created by Huffington Post. What is best about it in my opinion is the connection that it creates between media "producers"-- the host, the guests, the information they present, and the … Continue Reading ››

Texas Health Scare: Why Medicaid Matters

Now that we are 7 months past the historic Supreme Court decision upholding the Affordable Care Act, and 4 months past the historic reelection of President Obama and Democratic control of the Senate, the Lone Star state is still caught in Obamacare limbo. Texas Governor Rick Perry and Republicans are still rejecting the Medicaid … Continue Reading ››

Rachel Maddow: Antonin Scalia Is A Troll

Sometimes good TV is just good TV.

Appearing on The Daily Show with John Stewart, MSNBC host and political commentator Rachel Maddow made a somewhat surprising comment. Granted, fans of the Left-leaning host know that she's likely no friend of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. But in discussing Scalia's harsh comments during testimony … Continue Reading ››

A Voice for the Rest of Texas