Mike Anderson, Harris County DA Passes Away

Some heart-breaking news is rippling through the Texas legal and political community today.

The Houston Chronicle reports that Harris County District Attorney Mike Anderson has died of cancer. He was 57. More from the Chronicle article...

"In an email to staffers Saturday, … Continue Reading ››

Is Syria “Someone Else’s War”?

Thanks to President Obama's somewhat surprising decision to consult Congress before any attack is waged on Syria, the United States of America is now in the throes of a vigorous debate. Here is my contribution to that debate. 

But first this is from the President's own remarks on Syria, full text via the Washington … Continue Reading ››

President Obama Will Seek Congressional Vote On Syria

In what has been a week of high emotions in the continuing Civil War in Syria, President Obama spoke from the Rose Garden and answered some critical questions for the American People today.

After definitive evidence was discovered that the Syrian regime used chemical weapons on its own people, the President and … Continue Reading ››

What a week!

Needless to say, this has been a powerful week in American History... The 50th Anniversary of the March On Washington, groundbreaking reforms to our nation's drug laws and a sweeping ruling for the IRS to recognize legally married same- sex couples. It's really been something to behold. 

As if that weren't enough, the city of … Continue Reading ››

Texoblogosphere: Week of August 26th

The Texas Progressive Alliance wishes everyone a happy new school year as it brings you this week's roundup.

Off the Kuff shows how the city of Pasadena and Galveston County are trying to take advantage of the SCOTUS ruling on the Voting Rights Act to push through politically motivated redistricting … Continue Reading ››

James S. Horwitz Challenges Christie for At Large 5

In something of a last- minute surprise, Council Member Jack Christie now has a serious contender. Houston attorney James S. Horwitz has officially filed for the At Large 5 seat. Here's the official press release...

HOUSTON––James S. Horwitz, a local attorney, has officially filed his candidacy for the Houston City … Continue Reading ››

George P. Bush Wants to Defund Obamacare

Though his candidacy for Texas Land Commisssioner technically started in July, George P. Bush actually started running for the office this week by offering his first set of firm opinions. From Grommer Jeffers Jr. of the Dallas Morning News, here's the heir apparent finally speaking in something other than broad, non-committal platitudes...
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A Voice for the Rest of Texas