Tag Archives: I Love Beer

Texoblogosphere: Week of August 26th

The Texas Progressive Alliance wishes everyone a happy new school year as it brings you this week’s roundup.

Off the Kuff shows how the city of Pasadena and Galveston County are trying to take advantage of the SCOTUS ruling on the Voting Rights Act to push through politically motivated redistricting plans.

Olivia at Texpatriate laments living in a world where the Lieutenant Governor can attempt to manipulate the law with little to no consequences.

David Dewhurst put his ailing political career out of its misery with one phone call to the Allen Police Department, and it fell to PDiddie at Brains and Eggs to write the obituary.

Republicans have figured out the best way bring back “states rights”. It’s to rule over the country from the states, where they hold much more power. WCNews at Eye on Williamson calls it Neutering the federal government .

Make way for the Bushes!! Specifically, George P. Bush. Many people have already crowned him as an “heir apparent” for the statewide office of Land Commissioner, but Texas Leftist thinks that if Democrats work hard, they can turn that heir apparent into an apparently NOT.

Neil at All People Have Value wrote about the taxpayer financed life boats on the Bolivar Ferry that runs across Galveston Bay. here seems little difference between state-purchased life boats and Texas Legislature support of Obamacare that will help so many people get health insurance coverage. All People Have Value is part of NeilAquino.com. Please check out the full NeilAquino.com site if so inclined.

And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.

Walkable DFW draws a lesson in traffic management from the rail systems in Houston and Dallas.

The Observer profiles Jessica Luthor, the Janie-on-the-spot organizer during the rallies against anti-choice bills in the legislative special sessions.

And along those lines, Jessica Luther informs us of a new crowdfunding effort to create an educational online game about abortion and access in Texas.

I Love Beer is looking for a few volunteers for the 2013 Texas Craft Brewers Festival.

Letters from Texas piles on David “I’m Kind Of A Big Deal” Dewhurst.

Nonsequiteuse wonders why we don’t regulate bounce houses more, given the Legislature’s oft-stated obsession with the health of women and children.

Juanita points out that if Greg Abbott can’t read all the way to the end of a tweet, his interpretation of anything longer than that cannot be trusted.

Concerned Citizens calls on San Antonio council member Elise Chan to resign.

Grits For Breakfast documents the rise of futuristic technology in police work.

Former Texan Roy Edroso gives retiring blogger TBogg an appropriate sendoff.

Texoblogosphere: Week of July 22nd

The Texas Progressive Alliance supports the call for justice for Trayvon as it brings you this week’s roundup.

Off the Kuff discusses the status of abortion litigation as pro-choice forces in Texas prepare to file suit over Texas’ harmful new law.

Horwitz at Texpatriate discusses the State of Municipal Elections in the City of Houston.

Can Texas Democrats win in 2014 if they focus on turning out women of all demographics to the polls? PDiddie at Brains and Eggs says ‘no, but’

WCNews at Eye on Williamson makes the case for Wendy Davis to run for governor, Why Wendy Davis must run for Governor of Texas in 2014.

Texas Leftist observes that campaign season has swung into high gear for Houston, as City Council debates the true cost of 380 deals.


And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.

TFN Insider challenges us to remember all of the nasty things abortion opponents have been saying about us lately.

Jason Stanford compares Rick Perry to Jerry Jones, but doesn’t say who should be more offended by the comparison.

Mark Bennett contends that the Zimmerman verdict didn’t tell us anything we didn’t already believe.

Juanita expresses her pride in a recent award won by Rick Perry.

The TSTA Blog gives an update on the state of CSCOPE.

BOR wants to know what Greg Abbott was thinking when he asked people to ask him anything.

Marty Hajovsky mourns a piece of history damaged by fire in Houston.

And for folks in the Austin area, I Love Beer announces a food drive benefiting the Capital Area Food Bank of Texas.