Category Archives: Houston

HPD Film Hightlights New Methods to Aid Houston Homeless

Anyone that lives in the city of Houston probably has stories of encountering the homeless.  We see them at traffic stops, under freeway bridges, and at various points around town.  Sometimes the issue of homelessness can seem like an insurmountable problem for a major urban area. But Houston, under the leadership of Mayor Annise Parker and … Continue Reading ››

Texoblogosphere: Week of November 10th

The Texas Progressive Alliance believes that it's not whether you stumble that matters but whether you get up and keep going as it brings you this week's roundup. As the Fifth Circuit gets set to hear arguments over Texas' ban on same sex marriage, Off the Kuff reminds us that public opinion is much … Continue Reading ››

Minimum Wage Increases Won BIG in 2014. But not in Texas

Even as we continue to disseminate all that was Election 2014, it's important to note that one issue typically associated with Progressive policies not only survived the Red Tide, but proved to be one of the night's biggest winners.  Voters in four states and the city of San Francisco all approved increases in the minimum … Continue Reading ››

Leticia Van de Putte: Earning Every Vote

If State Senator and Democratic nominee for Lieutenant Governor Leticia Van de Putte really is behind by double digits in the polls, you wouldn't know it if you see her in person. In the final days up to what is sure to be an historic election, the candidate spent her time racing across the state on … Continue Reading ››

Texoblogosphere: Week of October 20th

"Voting freshens your breath, whitens your teeth, and improves your sex life." -- Molly Ivins The Texas Progressive Alliance reminds you that EARLY VOTING HAS BEGUN as it brings you this week's roundup. Off the Kuff published an interview with John Cook, the Democratic nominee for Land Commissioner. Libby Shaw writing for Texas Kaos and … Continue Reading ››

Texas Leftist 2014 Endorsements

For those interested, here is the full list of Texas Leftist endorsements for 2014.  Some candidates will also have individual or group posts regarding their endorsement, which will be linked via candidate name from this post.  If a candidate participated in this year's Texas Leftist Candidate Questionnaire, that information will appear beside their party affiliation. Texas … Continue Reading ››

City Revises Subpoenas, Removes Request For Sermons

Since the story caught wildfire and continues to ricochet across the internet, the City of Houston has decided to revise the HERO Subpoena request.  Here's more from Mike Morris of the Houston Chronicle...
Mayor Annise Parker on Friday followed through on her pledge to narrow the scope of subpoenas sent to local pastors who led … Continue Reading ››