Category Archives: Houston Politics

A Prayer

Love. Respect. Common Empathy. The desire to understand and support instead of the rush to judge and assume. Nonviolent solutions. This is my prayer. Thank you to all of those police and law enforcement that risk their lives and health to protect our freedoms, and keep us safe everyday. We appreciate you and support you. Thank you … Continue Reading ››

Texoblogosphere: Week of July 4th

The Texas Progressive Alliance celebrates another birthday for America as it brings you this week's roundup. Off the Kuff credits Wendy Davis for getting it right on HB2. Libby Shaw at Daily Kos is hardly shocked to learn that our state is run by a group of sexist pigs. Will the Texas GOP … Continue Reading ››

Sent: Hillary Clinton Will NOT Face Charges Over Emails

After years of swirling controversy and thousands of hours worth of Press coverage, it appears that one of 2016's most prominent political 'scandals' has finally met its end. You know... the one about Hillary Clinton's emails. If you haven't been paying attention, here's the general run-down. Throughout her time in the Senate, Clinton used a … Continue Reading ››

Texoblogosphere: Week of June 20th

The Texas Progressive Alliance looks forward to a day when it never has to mourn the victims of another mass shooting again as it brings you this week's roundup. Off the kuff sets a couple of hopefully attainable goals for Texas Democrats in 2016. Libby Shaw at Daily Kos has had it with political … Continue Reading ››

‘Shared Sacrifice’: Houston City Council Passes Budget

If a budget is truly a statement of beliefs, then the City of Houston has just learned a lot about its new Chief Executive. Delivering on a promise made just a months earlier, Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner has shepherded a 2016 municipal budget through City Council, and its been done in what appears to be … Continue Reading ››

Jenifer Rene Pool Wins Primary for Harris County Commissioner

With a heated Presidential Election in our midst, it is sometimes tough to keep up with important news surrounding other races.  This is particularly the case in a state like Texas, which focuses so heavily on Republican/ Conservative media to start.  But the March 1st Primary did prove to be an historic one for Progressives … Continue Reading ››

SCOTUS to Hear Case, Hopefully Settle ‘Immigration Action’ Stalemate

By this point in the Obama Presidency, one thing is clear... the legacy of our nation's 44th President is not being debated in the halls Congress, but in the halls of our nation's highest courts.  Such was the case with the President's landmark legislative achievement-- the 2010 Affordable Care Act, and again the case in … Continue Reading ››