Category Archives: Houston Politics

Culberson, Garcia Put METRO Federal Funds, Commuter Rail On Fast Track

So last Friday, I wrote the following regarding then-unknown plans surrounding the new open-door policy between U.S. Congressman John Culberson, and the Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County, AKA METRO... "But let’s be clear on what the Congressman did not promise.  If a new vote occurs, rail supporters can be sure that Culberson and his group … Continue Reading ››

Culberson Opens The Door To University Line

It's probably no secret that recent years have brought some huge changes at METRO... a complete scrubbing of former leadership, the formation and soon-to-be implementation of an entirely new local bus system, and the successful construction of 3 new light rail lines.  For all these reasons, the METRO of today has very little … Continue Reading ››

METRO Begins ‘Reimagined’ Network Implementation

The Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County voted back in February to move forward with a radical re-design of the region's local bus system.  Every single route will be affected. But for most daily METRO riders, information about these changes is still quite unknown.  If one doesn't follow local transit or politics news, it's pretty … Continue Reading ››

Houston Artists Discuss City Cultural Plan

In it's 70-plus year history, the El Dorado Ballroom in Houston's Third Ward has seen and heard some of the world's most compelling artistry. In it's heyday the venue played host to Musical greats like Arnett Cobb, Etta James and Ray Charles. But last weekend, the historic ballroom was also the scene for an important meeting on … Continue Reading ››

Post Court Ruling, Houston Equal Rights Ordinance Now In Effect

Today marks another huge victory for the city of Houston and supporters of equality, as a Texas District court rules against petitioners of the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance.  Here's the story from Katherine Driessen of the Houston Chronicle...
After separate rulings from both a jury and state District Judge Robert Schaffer, attorneys for both sides … Continue Reading ››

Interstate 69 Fully Routed Through Houston, Harris County

It's been a very piecemeal process, but another big step towards the formation of Interstate 69 is now complete, with the route now fully decided through Houston and Harris County.  Here's more from the Alliance for I-69 Texas...
The 11.9 mile section of US 59 inside of Loop 610 in Houston has been added … Continue Reading ››

Texoblogosphere: Week of March 16th

The Texas Progressive Alliance is still full from celebrating Pi Day as it brings you this week's roundup. Off the Kuff reports on the last (we hope) special legislative election of the year. Libby Shaw writing for Texas Kaos and contributing to Daily Kos is both outraged and embarrassed by the 47 GOP … Continue Reading ››