All posts by L. Wayne Ashley

Thanks for visiting!! My name is Wayne, and I live in Houston, Texas. I wouldn't consider myself a "diehard" liberal activist, but I definitely have a Progressive view on most issues. I'm a proud Millennial, and I feel like the voice of my generation in Texas gets overshadowed by the older, more established groups. This is my effort to change that. Please come back and read when you can.

Tracking Inner Houston’s Growth: Grocery Stores

I thought this would be an interesting thing to compare. We all know that the inner loop of Houston is growing... there's a fast pace of infill occurring right now. But are all of these apartments and townhomes equating to actual population growth?

Instead of going on … Continue Reading ››

The ABCs of the GOP: L is for…


So first of all, we want to deal with the obvious "duh" here. This is FAR from an exclusively Republican issue. Politicians... whether Democrat or Republican... have BIG issues with lying. Bill Clinton, Anthony Wiener, Eliot Spitzer... Major Democratic politicians that were all caught in some … Continue Reading ››

Romney: “No one’s ever asked to see my Birth Certificate”

Maybe Mitt Romney was emboldened by the visit to his hometown today, but he took a comment a bit too far. In Michigan, the presumptive GOP nominee told a joke/jab...

"I was born at Henry Ford Hospital, Ann was born at Harper Hospital. No one's ever asked to see my … Continue Reading ››

Bill O’Reilly said “what” about birth control?

A very interesting clip from 2008. Fox News host Bill O'Reilly, responding to a John McCain interview with Planned Parenthood, defends the use of Viagra for men as a legitimate health issue, while saying that a woman's use of birth control is a "choice".