All posts by L. Wayne Ashley

Thanks for visiting!! My name is Wayne, and I live in Houston, Texas. I wouldn't consider myself a "diehard" liberal activist, but I definitely have a Progressive view on most issues. I'm a proud Millennial, and I feel like the voice of my generation in Texas gets overshadowed by the older, more established groups. This is my effort to change that. Please come back and read when you can.

TLCQ 2018: Glenn “Grumpy” Williams

In the First installment of the 2018 Texas Leftist Candidate Questionnaire, we hear from Glenn "Grumpy" Williams candidate for the Texas State Senate, District 5. Please note: Responses have been received directly from the candidate, and have been posted ver batim from the email received. This is done out of fairness to all candidates. … Continue Reading ››

Texoblogosphere: Week of January 8th

The Texas Progressive Alliance knows where the really big buttons are as it brings you this week's roundup. Off the Kuff gave his initial impressions of the primary ballot. SocraticGadfly talked about Beto O'Rourke's visit to Northeast Texas. With so many candidates on the Primary Ballot, It’s easy to understand how some Texas Democrats … Continue Reading ››

After Controversial ‘Mandatory Service’ Proposal, Beto O’Rourke Changes Course

One thing to know about Texas politics... it's a rough and tumble course.  And for a Texas Democrat?  Those rough patches may as well be a thorn-ridden labyrinth. It's a lesson that Democratic Senate Candidate Beto O'Rourke is learning quite quickly, as his massive campaign attempts to radiate from his El Paso Congressional District to … Continue Reading ››

Final Bow?? San Antonio Symphony To Suspend Operations Next Week

Since the 1880s, the citizens of San Antonio and South Texas have demonstrated their love and appreciation for classical, symphonic music.  And since 1939, those artistic endeavors have culminated in the San Antonio Symphony.  But after months of uncertainty and painful negotiations, residents of the Alamo City are receiving some heartbreaking news today.  From Nicholas … Continue Reading ››

Texoblogosphere: Week of January 1st: Happy BLUE Year!!!

he Texas Progressive Alliance wishes everyone a happy and blue-wavey new year. Off the Kuff took a closer look at Democratic Congressional candidates around the state. SocraticGadfly riffed on the idea of the Twelve Days of Christmas and found 12 jobs even better than knitting for Hillary Clinton. writes … Continue Reading ››

2018 Texas Leftist Candidate Questionnaire

Remember when we said that in 2018, the goal is not to "Get Ready", but to STAY Ready?? Such is the case with the TLCQ 2018:  The Texas Leftist Candidate Questionnaire.  This year, we are focusing on the March 6th 2018 Democratic Primary, and depending on those results, may do a second cycle for the … Continue Reading ››

Happy New Year! But…

Are you READY? Recently, I had the esteemed pleasure of once again appearing on Houston Matters for a special edition of their Good, Bad and Ugly  Hosted by Craig Cohen, fellow panelists Natalie Arceneaux, Joe Holley and myself took part in which we reflected on the many events of the year.  It was a … Continue Reading ››