LOOKOUT! Marriage Equality May Soon Land In Texas

Some very exciting news may be ahead for LGBT Texans, as reported by John Wright in the Texas Observer...
Last week, plaintiffs in a federal lawsuit challenging Texas’ marriage bans asked U.S. District Judge Orlando L. Garcia to lift his stay of a February decision striking down the bans. If Garcia lifts the stay, … Continue Reading ››

The Unjust System

There are some days when The Huffington Post really nails their front page.  Today would be one of them... HuffPo For Real Across the United States, many communities have already erupted in protest following the recent decision not to indict Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson after the … Continue Reading ››

SCOTUS Takes Up Landmark Pregnancy Discrimination Case

In recent times, there has been a large amount of focus on discrimination waged against certain classes, particularly the LGBT community and certain racial groups.  But while it may not be as widely discussed, many Americans also face discrimination during a very important part of their lives... pregnancy.  What is should be a joyous time … Continue Reading ››

Texoblogosphere: Week of December 1st

The Texas Progressive Alliance is back from its tryptophan vacation as it brings you this week's roundup. Off the Kuff is cheering for the Texas same-sex marriage plaintiffs as they move for the stay of the ruling that threw out the ban on same-sex nuptials to be lifted. Libby Shaw writing for Texas KaosContinue Reading ››

Houston City Council Proposes 2015 Charter Amendments

Many that follow Houston municipal government have expected a charter amendment proposal to remove the city's voter-imposed revenue cap on taxes.  With rapid growth and exploding property costs, most Houstonians understand that the cap hinders the city's ability to carry out basic functions. But as Texpatriate reports, City Council is doesn't plan to stop with … Continue Reading ››