Battleground Texas Holds Election Debrief in Houston

There's no way around it.  This month's election results were tough for Democrats across the country.  But given how much hype was heaped on this year's races in Texas, and how much attention was generated by candidates like Wendy Davis, the typical drubbing had an especially difficult sting in the Lone Star State.  So many … Continue Reading ››

Growing Support For Texas Medicaid Expansion?

Politicians tend to say a lot of things when on the campaign trail.  They make a barrage of promises to different audiences, trying to court voters at every turn.  The 2014 election was certainly no exception for Greg Abbott, who handily defeated Democratic challenger Wendy Davis just weeks ago. But sometimes what is not said is … Continue Reading ››

New Campaign For Marriage Equality Targets Texas

Over the last couple of years, marriage equality has spread across the United States like wildfire.  At present, it is the law of the land in 33 states and the District of Columbia.  A clear majority of United States citizens now live in states where same-sex couples can legally marry. But not Texas.  Not yet. With a … Continue Reading ››

Texoblogosphere: Week of November 17th

The Texas Progressive Alliance continues to look forward as it brings you this week's roundup. Off the Kuff looks at some pro- and anti-equality bills that were pre-filed for the 2015 Legislature. Libby Shaw writing for Texas Kaos and for Daily Kos notes that although the Republican voter suppression efforts had its intended … Continue Reading ››

Actress Diane Guerrero Tells Her Story: “My Parents Were Deported”

To most Americans, Immigration reform is just a debate topic.  We hear about it all the time, from the comforts of our home television set, computer or tablet.  On a days we're feeling bold, we may trade barbs back and forth between friends.  It's just another issue to enliven the conversation... talk a little bit … Continue Reading ››

Pride Houston Board Vs… Juneteenth??

It's been a tough couple of months for Houston's LGBT community.  What should be a hopeful and inspiring celebration of Pride has once again been mired in drama, thanks to secret meetings and surprise decisions from the Pride Houston Board.  Here's the latest saga, from ABC 13....
The date of Houston's 2015 Pride … Continue Reading ››

Questions From a Houston Conservative

This was a real occurrence from the week, but it seemed worthy of being published.  Basically this person and I got into a rather heated discussion on Twitter, and he demanded that I answer this group of questions.  It's quite apparent that he is something of a hard-line Conservative, but even still I gave the … Continue Reading ››