Yes Dan Patrick… You Voted For School Funding Cuts

Dan Patrick, State Senator and Republican candidate for Lieutenant Governor, is trying to pull one over on the people of Texas.  But thankfully, Democratic candidate Leticia Van de Putte isn't letting him get away with the lies any longer.  Here's an EPIC press release (with sourcing) from the Van de Putte campaign...

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HERO Opponents Beg Texas Supreme Court For Repetitive Action

Apparently the opponents of the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance cannot take "yes" for an answer.  Even after Mayor Annise Parker already agreed that HERO will not be enforced until all matters are settled in court, the anti-equality group is not satisfied in the least.  Here's the Houston Chronicle's Mike Morris with more...

Opponents … Continue Reading ››

2014 Texas Leftist Candidate Questionnaire

It's happening!! As time gets closer to the November election, it is important that voters have a variety of resources with which to research candidates and make an informed decision when they go to the polls.  One of the best ways to obtain that information is to ask the candidates directly. Not only  do these questions … Continue Reading ››